Addventure [Web] | Allen Firstenberg, et al |
afternoon, a story [Diskette] | Michael Joyce |
Alex's Scribbles [Web] | Scott Balson, Alexander Balson |
Alpha Worlds [CD-ROM/MUD] | World's Inc.,et al |
The Ancient Art of War [CD-ROM] | Evryware |
Battlecruiser 3000AD 2.0 [CD-ROM] | Derek Smart |
Colossal Caves [Computer Program] | Will Crowther, Patricia Crowther, Don Woods |
The Complete Maus [CD-ROM] | Art Spiegelman |
Carmen Sandiego[CD-ROM] | Broderbund |
Delirium [Web] | Douglas Cooper |
Diablo [Web] | Erich Schaefer, David Brevik |
Discworld [CD-ROM] | TErry Pratchett |
DOOM [CD-ROM] | John Carmack |
DragonMUD [MUD] | John Crane |
EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus [Diskette] | Sierra |
ELIZA [Computer program | J.Weizenbaum |
Eon-4 [Web] | Rockne O'Bannon |
The Forever Growing Garden [CD-ROM] | Media Vision |
FurryMUCK [MUD] | Drew Maxwell, et al |
Heroes of Might and Magic [CD-ROM] | New World Computing |
Heroes of Might and Magic II [CD-ROM] | New World Computing |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [Diskette] | Douglas Adams, Steve Meretzky |
Homicide: Second Shift [Web] | Imaginary Studio |
Hypertext Hotel [Web/MUD] | Robert Coover, Toommm Meyer, et al |
Jonny Mnemonic [CD-ROM] | Douglas Gayeton |
Just Grandma and Me [CD-ROM] | Mercer Mayer |
Myst [CD-ROM] | Rand Miller, Robin Miller |
Neverending Story [BBS] | Ian Dollery, et al |
The Neverhood [CD-ROM] | Douglas TenNapel |
Oregon Trail II [CD-ROM] | Wayne Studer |
OutRun [Arcade/Platform] | Sega Games |
The Oz Project [Computer program] | Joseph Bates |
The Palace [CD-ROM] | Mike Maerz, et al |
Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure [CD-ROM] | Adeline Software |
The Simpsons [Arcade] | Konami |
The Spot [Web] | Scott Zakarin |
The Sprawl [Web/MUD] | Sam Epstein, et al |
Starship Titanic [CD-ROM] | Douglas Adams |
Stories of Downtown Anywhere [Web] | Charles Deemer |
Theodore Tugboat: Theodore's Surprise Friend [Web] |
Jeff Rosen, Andrew Cochran |
Time Crisis [Arcade/Platform] | Namco |
Tomb Raider [CD-ROM] | Toby Gard, Core Design |
Tone Rebellion [CD-ROM] | the Logic Factory |
Travels With Samantha [Web] | Phillip Greenspun |
24 Hours with Someone You Know [Web] | Phillipa Burne |
Ultima Online [CD-ROM] | Origin Systems |
Under A Killing Moon [CD-ROM] | Access Software |
Victory Garden [Diskette] | Stuart Moulthrop |
Virtua Fighter [Arcade/Platform] | Sega Games |
WaxWeb [Web/MUD] | Scott Blair, et al |
You Don't Know Jack [CD-ROM] | Berkeley Systems |
Copyright © 1999 Katherine Phelps