Hi ho!! I could not sleep last night so stayed up most of the night backing
up my system and then making a new backup, 6 months is the very longest I've
ever gone since I got the computer, and it was pretty long downloading (I
know, modem, heh) but it was not too painful and I am so happy to have it
done. I'd gotten the free disk from Microsoft for critical updates and it
was not any help at all, guess it is only worthwhile if you have not done
any updating since you bought XP (eek).
I hope all is well in your world, it seems impossible to believe you
are going into winter there, and it's just beginning to hot up here.
I am looking at the energy around the 17th, both Venus and Neptune
are going to station and retro that day and I'm thinking it could be quite
spiritual. We will also be going into a late Taurus new moon somehow it
seems a great time for manifesting!
"What you believe is what is for you" and "It is your resistance to what is
that causes your pain" ---Richard Sutphen
-----Original Message-----
From: Katherine Phelps <
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: cut out toys
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: cut out toys
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 02:57 pm
From: "Linda Page" <
So many cool things on this site to delight the heart of any child
http://www.thetoymaker.com <
http://www.thetoymaker.com/> they are toys you
print out and then assemble. Everyone I think knows some child who would
like something on this site.
BA (Hons), MFA, PhD
Nothing can withstand the powers of love, laughter and imagination