The periodic table and the occasional chair are usually credited to 14th
century Italian designer Leonardo di Vani, an elementary scientist and part
time furniture designer, while his laid-back lover Sophia Lorenzi is said to
have inspired the sometimes sofa, now and then known as the day bed.
One foggy morning in 1932, London barrister and amateur golfer Earl Grey took
a long, hot bath and missed his early tee time due to oversteeping, but he
felt much better when his English breakfast was served by a temptress with a
In 1946, Cincinnati salesman Wiley Lomann tried to fake his own death by
taking an overdose of placebos so that his family could collect on his life
insurance, but the coroner noticed he was still breathing and ruled his ruse
a pseudocide.
Sports Illustrated magazine reported in 1955 that the average Jamaican
javelin thrower lives twice as long as the average Jamaican javelin catcher,
but there were no illustrations.
In 1974, the National Travelers Advisory Service named Dunkin Donuts as the
safest fast food outlet in the United States, noting that their shops were
under constant police protection.
- Bill Dutcher
BA (Hons), MFA, PhD
Nothing can withstand the powers of love, laughter and imagination