Nothing particularly funny or hoopy here, but I had a great time thinking
about the answers to these questions.
"Happiness-Producing Questions"
From: Kindness: Making a Difference in People's Lives: Formulas, stories, and
By: Zelig Pliskin
Printed with Permission of Shaar Press
* What gives you the most happiness in your life?
* What were your greatest moments?
* What are your favorite childhood memories?
* What are some of the nicest things that people have said to you?
* What was your best vacation?
* What makes you smile?
* What makes you laugh?
* Who makes you feel good just by being in that person's presence?
* What do you enjoy reading?
* What songs put you in positive states?
* What is your favorite possession?
* What is your favorite day of the year?
* When have you unexpectedly had a better time than you thought you would?
* When have you been pleasantly surprised by the way something you did turned
* When did you feel you would succeed and you actually did?
* When have you felt joy about seeing someone you hadn't seen in a long time?
* What praises and positive feedback have you appreciated?
* What is the nicest thing a teacher ever told you?
* When did you surprise yourself by being more skillful at something than you
thought you could?
* How do you look when you smile at yourself in a mirror?
* When has someone given you a gift that you greatly appreciated?
* What do you consider your wisest decision?
* What advice do you have for others to increase their happiness?
* What did you do for someone else that you felt great about?
* What is the nicest thing a total stranger ever did for you?
* What have you been grateful for in the past?
* What are you grateful for in the present?
* When have you felt joyous for no special reason?
* What healthy activities give you a natural high?
* When were you about to give up and someone's encouragement kept you
* (For grandparents): What is a clever thing one of your grandchildren said?
* What is your favorite question that anyone ever asked you?
BA (Hons), MFA, PhD
Nothing can withstand the powers of love, laughter and imagination