On Saturday 29 April 2006 17:57, Amanda Penrose wrote:
Wow that took ages to download.
Fun to see you back then, you haven't changed a bit!!!
So what's with all the pointing and the white portally thing?
That was in part me corrupting poor Jim Wiggins. I was filling his head with
all sorts of strange ideas about stop-motion animation I had seen, plus a few
science fiction stories to boot. He got into the idea about making this film
somehow strangely mysterious.
Whitney, the girl you first see running, was the one all the guys had a crush
on. I was kind of kid sister with all the weird ideas. Mind you Jim had
plenty of his own. Too bad we weren't doing our own version of Indiana Jones!
BA (Hons), MFA, PhD
Nothing can withstand the powers of love, laughter and imagination