Do you like… danger? Wait, let me be more
specific. Do you like danger that's wrapped in a
dorky package smothered in a antiseptic gloss?
Well then, Japan has a roller coaster for you.
Although it's unlike most roller coasters because
it's powered by the human spirit! Well, the human
spirit as channeled through your legs. It's run
by bikes, OK? Bikes.
So you pedal your way around this course on what
look to be dangerous contraptions, I guess as
some ode to mother nature that involves not using
engines, and you then have a high risk of
plummeting to your death from a mediocre and
dangerous theme park ride. If you're going to die
in a stupid way, at least make the obituary more
entertaining, willya? - Adam Frucci
Treehugger, via Crave
Bill Daul
Chief Collaboration Officer
NextNow Collaboratory: a synergistic web of
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