Originally published 8 May 2001
Just because you're mid-storyline doesn't mean you have to move the plot along rapidly with every single strip. At least, I hope not, because this is days into the story and I still haven't given the viewer the slightest clue as to where it's going.
In my case--and this is not necessarily advice, it's just an observation--the pacing of the story isn't really a primary consideration. It ranks below technical considerations, like the 3-4 panel a day limit, and the need to have every strip be at least a little self-contained. Sometimes that means every strip has some sort of joke in it, but even when it doesn't, I feel like each one should somehow be a self-contained creation.
This one is just a visual gag, and for me, that was reason enough to put off getting to the point. We'll get there eventually.
Ozy and Millie™, and everything related, © 1997-2006 D.C. Simpson.