
Storytelling for Digital Media:
Class Two—Plotting Individual Scenes

  1. If you arrive at a particular location, various challenges and opportunities will present themselves.

  2. Then you will need to:

    • Enter into combat
    • Solve a puzzle
    • Interact with other characters
    • Collect or lose an item
    • Make a decision
  3. Resulting in:

    • Experience points
    • Greater skills and abilities
    • Money
    • An object significant to attaining the goal
    • A loss of any of the above
    • The removal of an obstacle to attaining the goal
    • Information
    • Setback
    • Death

Some Notes

  • Make sure to vary encounters in each scene. Repetitiveness quickly gets boring.
  • A sense of accomplishment is vital to the playability of a game:
    • Create rising tension as the story progresses by plotting in bigger challenges at each stage of the game.
    • Give the player a chance to develop the abilities to meet these challenges.
    • Do NOT simply make the same monsters, knights, spaceships, etc. tougher at each stage.
    • Knock characters back rather than killing them off too frequently or easily.





Copyright © July 2006
Dr. Katherine Phelps