
Storytelling for Digital Media:
Class Bonus—Character

Character Building

  • Will we be given a character(s) or will we have a choice of character(s)?

  • Will we be able to modify our character?

  • What basic abilities will our character have?

  • What is their physical state?

    • Physical appearance and health
    • Age
    • Clothing
    • Living conditions
    • Education
    • Financial state
    • Job and/or career
    • Social class

  • What is their relational state?

    • Relationships with family
    • Relationships with friends
    • Relationships with lovers
    • Relationships with co-workers
    • Relationships with neighbours
    • Relationships with society
    • Relationship with self

  • What is their internal state?

    • World view
    • Ethics
    • Religion
    • Personal habits
    • Formative incidents
    • Aspirations and/or desires
    • Motivations (Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)

Given the nature of your character certain choices simply won't come up. Your he-man sword-wielder is not going to run off trying to find a beauty salon. This gives logical constraints to the game.

Reward players for acting in character and appropriate role-play.




Copyright © July 2006
Dr. Katherine Phelps