BIOGRAPHY: Lee Perkins.

Lee Perkins is a Melbourne-based freelance scribe, sometime troubleshooter to the water filtration industry, frustrated Cyberpunk/fantasy novelist and fulltime technical writer.

After cutting his journalistic teeth by writing Commodore 64 game reviews for Megacomp/Megazone magazine between 1988 and 1990, he unwittingly landed a paying gig with the "Game Space" column in The Age's "Green Guide" in 1991. Against all comers and incredible odds, he has somehow retained his grim stranglehold on this coveted position with all the panache, charm and gentle good humour of a rabid junkyard dog.

Between the years 1991 and 1996, a dark time generally acknowledged as his "Blue Period", most of Lee's reviews and sundry computer-related articles appeared (occasionally under his "Chimera" pseudonym) in "Australian PC User", "Windows Solutions", "Juke", "The West Australian Newspaper", "TZM" (aka: "Timezone Magazine"), "Gamestar", "TV Week", "The Disc", "Quandary Magazine", and of course, the prestigious "Goat Breeder's Quarterly". Many of them are archived (for whatever posterity may make of them) at Lee Perkins Game Reviews on Glass Wings.

Lee Perkins is thirtysomething, an expatriate Pommy since 1967, unmarried as yet, loathes martial-arts games, and has never set foot in Wales. His cat is called "Pixel".