By: Quantum Quality Productions (QQP)
Copyright (c) 1994 Lee Perkins
A successful Venetian merchant of the 14th Century played for keeps. If you think that times are tough now, try casting your mind back to the last time that you had to pacify an irate mob of recently redundant mercenaries, or having to write off an entire shipment of holy relics, on account of the Black Plague hitching a ride into town... That would have been equivalent to a typical Monday morning back then; the mind boggles as to what a REAL crisis must have been!
In many ways, Merchant Prince resembles Civilization. Particular emphasis has been placed upon trade and politics, since they were the bread and butter of any self-respecting Venetian entrepreneur. Combat scenes are slightly subordinate to all of this, but a certain amount of nasty scuffling does take place, as one would rightly expect. For a start, your competitors are not above locking you out of a city, or sending raiding parties after a trade unit or two. This kind of base, unwarranted behaviour must needs behoove our gentle player to retaliate in kind, but at a much more subtle level...Heh,heh,heh!
The Doge of Venice was (a) the Venetian head of state, and (b) extremely worried at all times. With the amount of political jockeying that went on around him, he had to be seen to be an impartial adjudicator... Although this was rarely the case, right? If a computer opponent can get enough senators on its side, all your travails, tribulations and sub-tropical travel will be for naught. In short, BEWARE OF THE DOGE!
Reviewed on: PC 386 SX-33, Sound Blaster Pro audio card
Recommended retail price: $89.95 Suggested audience rating: PD (Parental Discretion) Challenge: 70% Entertainment: 80% Sound: 75% Graphics: 80%Software supplied by: Directsoft Australia Pty. Ltd.