Sim City 2000 (PC)

By: Maxis.
Article by Lee Perkins
Copyright 1994
Sim City 2000 is much more than a mere revision of its entertaining ancestor. The most visible difference is in the Simscape's topography. - It actually has one! Where all was once flat and lifeless there are now hills and mountains. A raised Simscape allows for the construction of hydroelectric dams and also provides a perfect location for wind-power generators. A word or two on power stations: Each generator type has a lifespan of 50 years... Yes, even windmills! My advice on windmills is this: Do not go too crazy building lots of them every year. As their time runs out they will be replaced - for a price. It is painful to see what this lavish exercise does to an ailing economy.

As Mayor of Sim City 2000 there are a host of other things to fiddle with. As complex as it gets above, so it will below: An adequate water supply is vital to the welfare of your population of Sims and a subway system will alleviate most of the traffic congestion. I have found it nearly impossible to route a subway line once the plumbing is established, and cannot find the icon that toggles the pipework display screen. It is most likely to be somewhere on the control panel, but I have been able to muddle along without it so far.

There are too many additions and features to the basic program to touch upon in detail, so you will have to take my most solemn word that they are there. Sim City 2000 is an absolutely brilliant leap forward in all respects: Its superb graphics provide single- pixel control over every single facet of the workings of your bustling city, the interface is highly intuitive and it has even more addictive gameplay than the original version. Buckminster Fuller would have loved to get his hands on this one!

Recommended retail price:  Not provided by dealer.
Suggested audience rating: U (Unrestricted).

Overall score: 95%
Software provided by:

Electronic Arts Pty. Ltd.
46 Smith Street, Southport QLD 4215
Phone: (075) 911 388
Fax: (075) 916 068