By: Epic MegaGames
Copyright (c) 1994 Lee Perkins
Malvineus Havershim is in BIG trouble. After flaking out in a mysterious temple he discovered on Madagascar, he awakes to find himself transported to a world even crazier than the one he came from. Weird creatures guarding a world's ransom in treasure, ruins, secret passages, traps and platforms galore!
Okay, it's a platform game... So sue me, already! As far as platformers go, Xargon is pretty good stuff. Jill of the Jungle appears to be the closest point of reference, although Xargon seems to be just that tiny bit more enjoyable as a game. I admit to playing JOTJ for a full hour, (and then only out of morbid curiosity) before condemning it to the slush pile. Against this sort of summary execution, Xargon stacks up rather well against a genre where only the character sprites and The Story So Far... lines could be considered "original".
Reviewed on: PC 386 SX-33, Sound Blaster Pro audio card
Recommended retail price: $10.00 per 3.5 HD floppy disk Challenge: 65% Entertainment: 75% Sound: 60% Graphics: 70%Software supplied by: Trojan Computers Pty. Ltd.