The Internet has over 22 million users in Australia and 4.6 billion world wide. These numbers include doctors, lawyers, computer professionals, communications specialists, students, academics, schools, businesses, publishers, researchers, museums, galleries, anyone who is interested in instant information access. Gaining the attention of this community can potentially create or add to the success of your business or institution.
Those who use the Internet to the best effect are those who remain familiar with all of its trends, are aware of all of its developments and remain on good terms with the users. The Internet is an interactive community and the users have long memories. If you provide users with an interesting, informative and useful service, word will spread. These people work best with a pull model of selling and advertising rather than a push model and are highly motivated. Sensitivity to the Internet culture will define your success. The staff of Glass Wings is uniquely skilled to creatively and effectively draw the attention of the Internet. We are an experienced professional team with graphic, publishing, marketing, writing, computer and Internet skills. We are Web consultants who understand the trends and the etiquette required to successfully run a site on the net. We understand how to present you to the best effect. We know how to make your presence felt. We know how to get people talking.
If you are interested in advertising, selling and informing over the Internet, then call or e-mail us for more information. We will be happy to offer you our consistent quality service.