"Between 2005 and 2010, a set of books called “Project Russia” was distributed
to high-ranking officials in the Russian government and other influential
thought leaders. The books offered a detailed program of spiritual warfare
against Western democracies culminating in “controlled global collapse” and the
establishment of a “supranational” state headed by a Prince-Monk who “best
understands the world.” The plan described is ultimately a program for
subjugating the world, which would also be united together in a single
This all may sound fantastical, or even absurd. But the Project Russia plan
comports very closely with what’s unfolding now, and has been linked to groups
acting on behalf of the FSB, Russia’s security agency. It’s worth considering
the ways in which this plan also reflects the inflection point we now face in
the United States."
Via Matthias Vos and Joerg Fliege.
*** Xanni ***
-- Andrew Pam Chief Scientist, Xanadu Partner, Glass Wings Manager, Serious Cybernetics