"TikTok refugees fled by the millions to RedNote, a Chinese app, in response to
the TikTok ban, which went into effect Jan. 19, 2025. The company shut down the
app shortly before midnight on Jan. 18 but restored service the following day.
The app was unavailable to download from the Apple and Google app stores on
Jan. 19.
Through cat memes, shared jokes about the ban and honest conversations about
usually avoided topics, former TikTokers and RedNote natives are bridging years
of U.S.-China digital separation. This spontaneous convergence recalls the
internet’s original dream of a global village. It’s a glimmer of hope for
connection and communication in a divided world.
I’m a researcher who studies Chinese and transnational digital media. I’m also
a Chinese person who lives in the U.S. I’ve been a RedNote user since 2014.
On Tuesday morning, Jan. 14, 2025, my usual RedNote morning scroll revealed a
transformed For You Page. Mixed in with my typical TV drama, celebrity and
makeup content were new posts from self-proclaimed “TikTok refugees,” with U.S.
IP addresses. As I continued scrolling, the recommendation algorithm flooded my
feed with more and more of these posts from new U.S. users seeking to rebuild
their community on RedNote."
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics