"Water scarcity is often viewed as an issue for the arid American West, but the
U.S. Northeast’s experience in 2024 shows how severe droughts can occur in just
about any part of the country.
Cities in the Northeast experienced record-breaking drought conditions in the
second half of 2024 after a hot, dry summer in many areas. Wildfires broke out
in several states that rarely see them.
By December, much of the region was experiencing moderate to severe drought.
Residents in New York City and Boston were asked to reduce their water use,
while Philadelphia faced risk to its water supply due to saltwater coming up
the Delaware River.
Before the drought, many people in the region weren’t prepared for water
shortages or even paying much attention to their water use.
As global temperatures rise, cities throughout the U.S. are more likely to
experience hotter, drier conditions like this. Those conditions increase
evaporation, drying out vegetation and soil and lowering groundwater tables.
The Northeast drought was easing in much of the region in early 2025, but
communities across the U.S. should take note of what happened. They can learn
from the experiences of cities that have had to confront major water supply
crises – such as Cape Town, South Africa; São Paulo, Brazil; Melbourne,
Australia; Las Vegas; and New Orleans – and start planning now to avoid the
worst impacts of future droughts."
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics