2009 October 21
The Call from ABC

Yesterday I had a message left on my phone from the Commissioning Editor of ABC3. He asked me to give him a call to discuss Time Titties. This morning I made the call. He thought it was very funny. He has given me a bunch of information about how to make application with the ABC and offered to be of help over the phone. He has also directed me to a production company who might be interested in taking up part of the funding and development.

Keep passing the YouTube link to your friends!

2009 September 29
The Search for Production

Last Tuesday I met with Marc Gracie to discuss Time Titties. Marc Gracie was the producer for Totally Full Frontal, The Adventures of Lano & Woodley, and Jimeoin's The Craic. He says he will be getting me in contact with the commissioning editor for ABC3 and some comedy production companies. Everyone keep your fingers and toes crossed!

Further news: Time Titties was accepted into Melbourne's Digital Fringe. When you get to the page, be sure to scroll down and you will see Time Titties happily doodling away awaiting your viewing pleasure.

2009 September 09
Time Titties is Launched!

Hello world!

Thank you so much for watching Time Titties. I trust you enjoyed it.

If you would like to see the full television series, be sure to pass our Web address onto your friends and ask them to do the same. The more views, the more likely this will go forward into production. Also, if you happen to have any connections with good producers in Australia, Britain, or North America, please send them our way!

All the best from sunny Australia.

Peace and kindness,
