
2015 August 22: The Roaring Twenties!

Morgan Phillips and Katherine Phelps

Phillips & Phelps start with a bang! You can tell it's the beginning of the show by the full glass of red wine in the lovely Morgan's hand.
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Jester Pragito

Jester Pragito performing contact juggling. That shot is not photoshopped! Magaret Wong just happened to catch our jester at a particularly Labyrinth like moment.
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Kirsty Gayther

Kirsty Gayther has a rich and engaging voice. If you see her name elsewhere, go for a listen!
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Harlem Shout

Our dancers "Harlem Shout" courtesy of Swing Patrol. They brought so much energy and skill to their performance…it was breathtaking.
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Harlem Shout

I have so many wonderful photos of everyone! I only have room for one of each performance group or artist. However, I am making an exception here.
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Hilary Watts

Hilary Watts. This young woman gave us so much on the night! Not only did she lavish our ears with two fabulous songs, she also volunteered at the last minute to be a magician's assistant!
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Showko Showfukutei

Showko Showfukutei came in her gorgeous authentic 1920s clothing from Japan. Her puppetry and ventriliquism were not only superb, but side-achingly funny!
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Colin Donald and John Cunningham

Comedy duo Wallace & Withers, better known as Colin Donald and John Cunningham. These two were so charmingly goofy, I hope to see them again!
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Mr Marmalade

Mr Marmalade is a delightful close-up magician. It is genuinely freaky being that close to his prestidigitation and not see how he is doing it!
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Deborah Henry

This is Deborah Henry playing Queen Nefritata after she has recovered her royal knickers! She did a faboo job of groaning "knickers..."
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)

Morgan Phillips

And we bid a fond farewell to Morgan Phillips. This was his last Sandbox Land show. Thank you for sharing your talent, charm, and enthusiasm!
(photo courtesy of Margaret Wong)


Show Archive

2015 June 27: Once Upon a Time

Roslyn Quin telling a strange and engaging story.

Roslyn Quin telling a strange and engaging story.
(photo courtesy of Ananda Sim

2015 May 23: SUPER Heroes!

Stephanie Reid

Stephanie Reid as Marvel superhero "Black Widow", courtesy of the Melbourne Costume Group, a charity cosplay organisation.

2015 April 25: Euromania Songfest!

Isabella Gilbert, playwright Bruce Shearer, Katherine Phelps, Ian Cairncross, Alec Gilbert

Our glorious sketch performers and Katherine!

2015 February 28: Lest We Forget
Opening Night for Sandbox Land!

Morgan Phillips and Katherine Phelps

Don't we just ooze class?


Glass Wings Productions Copyright © 2015 January