"Significant renewable energy resources will be needed to power Australia’s
energy transition, all of which need consent from Traditional Owners.
Following the success of its inaugural program in 2023, the First Nations Clean
Energy Network is today beginning its second clean energy capacity building
program for First Nations people from every state and territory.
The only program of its kind in Australia, the training provides an in-depth
overview of the clean energy landscape, its policy, regulations and investment,
and the intersection with First Nations rights and interests in land and Sea
While 3.8 million households in Australia now have access to rooftop solar,
next to none are on First Nations homes.
A key feature of the PowerMakers program is looking at the opportunities for
building energy security and affordability through First Nations-led
development, leadership and ownership of clean energy futures.
From home energy efficiency to community-led development like the Marlinja
community’s recent microgrid installation in the Northern Territory,
PowerMakers refocuses the lens on what’s possible in homes, communities and on
PowerMakers will also explore what does First Nations design, ownership and
control of energy futures look like, and how to overcome the many barriers to
ensure First Nations have just and equitable participation in Australia’s
energy transition.
PowerMakers also widens the lens, building capacity to negotiate well for
strong agreements with the many proponents wanting access to First Nations land
for the renewable energy build-out needed, including entering strong
partnerships with proponents with benefit-sharing and equity.
There are now 18 First Nations clean energy equity partnerships in Australia
with more on the drawing board."
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics