"Bringing a 16-year fight for increased conservation efforts across northern
Puerto Rico’s coastal coral reefs to a triumphant conclusion, local communities
are celebrating the creation of a new and vital Marine Protected Area (MPA)
they have called Jardines Submarinos de Vega Baja y Manati.
Marking a small but mighty ‘victory for the people’, the newly-established
marine protected area will encompass 202.7 square kilometres of coastal coral
reefs, mangroves, and seagrass habitats which – while it may appear at the
lower end of the scale compared to other MPA development plans announced in the
last week – will play a vital role in the conservation of the some 14
endangered species the area is home to.
Alongside its local population of Greater Caribbean manatee, the area hosts
vibrant small-scale fisheries and local ecotourism industries. It’s the hope
among the local communities that these newly adopted efforts to co-manage the
Jardines area as an MPA will allow its waters to remain a source for food and
income for local families for generations to come.
“This is a victory for the people,” said Ricardo Laureano, a leading member of
Vegabajeños Impulsando Desarrollo Ambiental Sustentable (VIDAS). “These
ecosystems nourish us and sustain our quality of life. It took 16 years of hard
work, starting in 2007, to get here.”"
Fix the News:
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics