"Australian energy giant AGL Energy is offering free charging for EV owners –
at least for a few months – as it rolls out the first of 149 pole-mounted EV
chargers that to help service those without off-road parking at home.
The offer is being made for 39 new pole-mounted kerbside electric vehicle (EV)
chargers that will be installed by Plus ES in the suburbs of Birchgrove,
Balmain, Lewisham, Stanmore, and Newtown in Sydney’s inner west. The free
charging will last until the end of January next year.
Kerbside EV charging has evolved to become an important cog in the rollout of
EV charging infrastructure, especially in places where off-street parking is
limited. According to Plus ES, 30 per cent of drivers in New South Wales lack
access to private off-street parking.
This has in turn led EV owners to attempt increasingly convoluted and sometimes
unsafe methods to charge their vehicles, such as running extension cords over
trees, across footpaths, and even through drainpipes.
The pole-mounted chargers installed by AGL and Plus ES – and backed by a state
government grant – will also act as a pilot for a model that could be
replicated across the entire state.
In addition to providing easy charging access, pole-mounted chargers also
minimise the impact on the community during construction and require less
dedicated EV charging parking."
These seem like a great idea. The poles already have power for the street
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics