"Democracies worldwide are suffering from legitimacy problems. This is
reflected in low levels of public trust in key political institutions, the
polarisation of politics, and the erosion of public confidence in the capacity
of governments to address societal concerns.
According to the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer, only 50% of people worldwide
trust their government, and the tally is even lower in many developed countries
such as the United States and United Kingdom. A study by the Pew Research
Center found only 20% of Americans trust their national government to do what
is right “just about always” or “most of the time”.
Citizens almost everywhere view their elected officials and public institutions
with suspicion. They believe decisions are made to serve special interests
rather than the common good. This culture of discontentment is leading to
reduced civic engagement, increased polarisation, the rise of identity
politics, and a general sense of disillusionment with the political process. It
has also sparked an upsurge in speculation as to whether democracy is dying, in
recession or crisis.
So how does Australia compare with this global pattern?"
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics