"Brookfield, the Canadian asset management giant with more than $A1.5 trillion
under assets, says corporate demand for low cost and zero emissions power has
never been stronger, and the prospects for low cost wind and solar have never
been better.
“Off-takers and users of electricity are always going to take as much
renewables as they can because it is the cheapest,” says Connor Teskey, the CEO
of Brookfield Renewables.
“The off-takers simply need the power. And therefore, they’re not going to let
short-term uncertainty stop them from signing contracts, and they will ensure —
and they will do what is necessary to protect the developers in order to pull
those projects out of the ground.”
The comments from Teskey are significant for a number of reasons. Firstly,
Brookfield Renewables has more than 47 gigawatts of capacity and a pipeline of
200 GW more, mostly in wind, solar and storage and is one of the biggest
players in the world.
Like the US utility giant NextEra, is is unfazed by the incoming Trump
administration, and its threats to trash support for wind and solar
technologies, because both companies say the demand for new, low cost and low
emissions power is overwhelming, and other technologies can’t compete on cost,
or on time scales.
It is significant for Australia because Brookfield Renewables has recently
taken control of French-based renewables and storage developer Neoen, arguably
the most successful development company in Australia, a country facing a
similar political polemic as the US, with conservative parties threatening to
stop the transition to renewables.
The conservative plans in the US and Australia make no economic sense, unless
you are part of the fossil fuel cabal, and no environmental or engineering
sense either. It is instructive that so many big players in the energy space
are now making this clear, even as those [in] other industries cower amid the
threats of retaliation."
*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xanadu.net Andrew Pam
http://xanadu.com.au/ Chief Scientist, Xanadu
https://glasswings.com.au/ Partner, Glass Wings
https://sericyb.com.au/ Manager, Serious Cybernetics