Glass Wings Blog: Fossil

100-million-year-old fossil find reveals huge flying reptile that patrolled Australia’s inland sea
12 ways to phase fossil fuels out of your life
‘The age of fossil fuels will end’: Australia’s Chris Bowen hails Cop28 agreement
Air pollution from fossil fuels ‘kills 5 million people a year’
Analysis: UK electricity from fossil fuels drops to lowest level since 1957
As the Coalition goes nuclear, Labor is free to ensure fossil fuels are burned with abandon and little scrutiny
Australia is doubling down on fossil fuel exports, and helping to blow global carbon budgets
Australia urged not to rely on ‘drug dealer’s defence’ for gas exports and help wean Japan off fossil fuels
Australian fossil fuel exports ranked second only to Russia for climate damage with ‘no plan’ for reduction
Australian fossil fuel tax could raise $100bn in first year alone, Rod Sims and Ross Garnaut say
Australia’s big banks lent $3.6bn to fossil fuel expansion projects in 2023, report shows
Australia’s north-west reefs teem with life – but they are also at the centre of a massive fossil fuel expansion
Banks have given almost $7tn to fossil fuel firms since Paris deal, report reveals
Billion-dollar exposure: Investor-state dispute settlement in Mozambique’s fossil fuel sector
California Is Showing How a Big State Can Power Itself Without Fossil Fuels
Can renewables replace fossil fuels? Survey finds many Australians not convinced
Cattle among the trackers and all-electric cherries: The shift to solar and fossil fuel free farming
Chris Bowen says agreement on global fossil fuel phase out central to Australia’s renewable energy plans
Climate hero or villain? Fossil fuel frenzy challenges Norway’s green image
Colombia joins international alliance calling for treaty to end use of fossil fuels
Commonwealth Bank to stop financing fossil fuel companies that don’t comply with Paris climate goals
The COP28 climate agreement is a step backwards on fossil fuels
COP28 president is wrong – science clearly shows fossil fuels must go (and fast)
COP28: Turning the tap off slowly – why Australia’s decision to end overseas fossil fuel finance matters
David Pocock condemns Australia’s fossil fuel projects as an ‘existential threat’ to Pacific neighbours
Ditching fossil fuels improves health: Deaths from particulate pollution have dropped 16% since 2005
Dug up in Australia, burned around the world – exporting fossil fuels undermines climate targets
Elected officials in sweltering US states prioritizing fossil fuel cash over people
EU agrees law to hit fossil fuel imports with methane emissions limit
EVs are being driven much further than fossil cars – and battery prices are still plunging
Failure of Cop28 on fossil fuel phase-out is ‘devastating’, say scientists
For decades, governments have subsidised fossil fuels. But why?
Fossil beetles found in a Botswana diamond mine help us to reconstruct the distant past
Fossil CO₂ emissions hit record high yet again in 2023
Fossil fools and climate change, or Goldilocks and the Three Fears
Fossil Fuel Companies Build Structures To Hide Methane Flaring From Satellites
Fossil fuel firms could be tried in US for homicide over climate-related deaths, experts say
Fossil fuel firms forcing countries to compensate them, Mary Robinson says
Fossil fuel giants play home ground advantage as climate COP despairs about 1.5°C
Fossil fuel industry’s anti-climate and anti-renewables playbook goes back 57 years – they are still hard at it
Fossil Fuel Investments Hold Back Portfolios, New Report Finds
Fossil fuel projects awaiting approval could blow Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ tenfold, climate groups say
From laggard to leader? Why Australia must phase out fossil fuel exports, starting now
“Gas shortage? Yeah, nah.” A Fact Check on Labor’s fossil gas future strategy
Global university fossil fuel divestment ‘nearing tipping point’
‘Godfathers of climate chaos’: UN chief urges global fossil-fuel advertising ban
The Gomeroi win puts native title holders in a stronger position to fight fossil fuel projects on their land
Greenwashing claims on trial: should NZ ban fossil fuel advertising?
Hard-fought COP28 agreement suggests the days of fossil fuels are numbered – but climate catastrophe is not yet averted
How can I become a palaeontologist? 5 tips from a professional fossil hunter
How fossil fuel companies won COP28
How ‘world’s first oil town’ is wrestling with fossil fuel legacy
I made a fake ad agency to annoy fossil fuel marketers
“Just get it done:” Survey finds public support for tax on fossil exports
Keep fossil fuel lobbyists out of policymaking — just as we did with the tobacco industry
Labor caves in to fossil fuel cartel as it locks in gas beyond 2050 amid deepening climate crisis
The low-carbon energy transition will need less mining than fossil fuels, even when adjusted for waste rock
“Madmen fuelling the madness:” UN chief demands end to fossil fuel advertising
Making fossil fuel companies accountable for their products’ emissions would support the clean energy transition
Most plastics are made from fossil fuels and end up in the ocean, but marine microbes can’t degrade them – new research
The New Mexico Electricity Co-op Breaking Up With Fossil Fuels
New York high-rise uses heat pumps and waste heat to cut fossil fuels
NYC’s first all-electric skyscraper doesn’t use a drop of fossil fuel
Only 57 producers are responsible for 80% of all fossil fuel and cement CO₂ emissions since 2016 – new report
Opec rails against fossil fuel phase-out at Cop28 in leaked letters
Puerto Rico files $1 billion suit against fossil fuel companies
Renewable hydrogen: Superpower, or green mask for fossil super villains?
Ross Garnaut and Rod Sims have proposed a $100 billion-a-year fossil fuel tax – and it’s a debate Australia should embrace
‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show
Stopping Trillions In Subsidies To The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Key To Climate Action
Stranded assets: Chinese fossil car production plunges amid surging EV demand
Super funds back fossil “climate wreckers” over clean energy
Surge in Australian fossil car advertising undermining efforts to clean up transport
Taxing big fossil fuel firms ‘could raise $900bn in climate finance by 2030’
‘This used to be a beautiful place’: how the US became the world’s biggest fossil fuel state
Thousands of doctors sound alarm on health risks linked to fossil fuel pollution
The Ukraine war is no excuse for endless fossil fuel expansion
‘Unlike anything today’: Gippsland fossil unlocks secrets of kangaroo that died out 46,000 years ago
US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction
We spent 2 years in deep underground caves to bring this extraordinary fossil to light
We think we control our health – but corporations selling forever chemicals, fossil fuels and ultra-processed foods have a much greater role
Will Australia dare follow Paris and support bikes and electric trucks instead of fossil SUVs?
The world is in an abusive relationship with fossil fuels. Now is the time to leave
World’s top fossil-fuel bosses deride efforts to move away from oil and gas
Yet Another Heat Pump Headache For Fossil Fuel Stakeholders
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