Glass Wings Blog: Year

10 million animals die on our roads each year. Here’s what works (and what doesn’t) to cut the toll
100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power
100,000 years and counting: how do we tell future generations about highly radioactive nuclear waste repositories?
100-million-year-old fossil find reveals huge flying reptile that patrolled Australia’s inland sea
The 10-year-old super-collector of bottles and cans set to cash in
154 million lives saved in 50 years: 5 charts on the global success of vaccines
16 States Made It Harder To Vote This Year. But 26 Made It Easier.
18,065 km rail routes electrified in six years from 2014 to 2020
20 years after the publication of ‘Purple Hibiscus,’ a generation of African writers have followed in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s footsteps
20 years of Maputo Protocol: A success story for women's rights in Africa
2,000-year-old arch in Caesarea aqueduct collapses; official: ‘We sounded the alarm’
2023 in Review: A Year of Progress for Oceans, the Environment, and Science
2023 ocean photographer of the year – in pictures
2023 smashes record for world’s hottest year by huge margin
2023: The Year Of AI Panic
2023 was the first year without elephant poaching in Republic of Congo National Park
2023 was the year of generative AI. What can we expect in 2024?
The 21 things you learn in your first year in Melbourne
25 Years Later, Neopets Is Finally Going Back to Basics
26 years ago, Howard chose fossil fuels over the Pacific. What will Albanese choose?
30 years after genocide: Rwanda’s older generations fear a return of ethnic tensions, but youth feel more united
30 years of LGBTQ+ history in Russia: from decriminalisation in 1993 to ‘extremist’ status in 2023
30 years of the web down under: how Australians made the early internet their own
The 30-year hunt to find the Priscilla, Queen of the Desert bus: ‘My jaw was on the ground’
3,200 deaths a year: 1 of many reasons air pollution in Australia demands urgent national action
45 Years Ago, One Kids Book Series Taught A Generation How To Make Bad Decisions
50 years after Evonne Goolagong’s Australian Open win, we should remember her achievements – and the racism she overcame
50 years ago: Henry Kissinger and the death of democracy in Chile
50 years on, Advance Australia Fair no longer reflects the values of many. What could replace it?
The 56-Year-Long Crisis of Treasonous & Illegitimate GOP Presidents is Happening Again
7 years, billions of kilometres, a handful of dust: NASA just brought back the largest-ever asteroid sample
70 years ago, an Anglo-US coup condemned Iran to decades of oppression – but now the people are fighting back
A 101-Year-Old’s Fight Against Book Banning
A 20-year ‘mega-drought’ in Australia? Research suggests it’s happened before – and we should expect it again
A 365-million-year-old fish with an extreme underbite showcases vertebrate diversity
A 50,000-Year-Old Block of Ice Paints the Most Chilling Picture of the Future Ever
A botanical Pompeii: we found spectacular Australian plant fossils from 30 million years ago
A great year to be a cabbage white butterfly: why are there so many and how can you protect your crops?
A History Lesson Star Trek Gave Us 57 Years Ago That We Failed to Learn
A mysterious interstellar radio signal has been blinking on and off every 22 minutes for over 30 years
A pandemic that won’t go away – as COVID enters its 5th year, NZ needs a realistic strategy
A Rare 500-Year-Old Manuscript Gets a Second Life Online
A rose in every cheek: 100 years of Vegemite, the wartime spread that became an Aussie icon
A tiny desert fish hits a 25 year population high in one of Earth’s harshest environments
A train through Ukraine: a journey into the stories of two years of war
A whale makes a comeback off Argentina's coast 100 years after vanishing
A year after Pakistan’s floods, 44% of children have stunted growth. What can be done about it?
A year after the PwC scandal, the furore is gone – as well as any real appetite for structural change
A year of ChatGPT: 5 ways the AI marvel has changed the world
Aboriginal people made pottery and sailed to distant offshore islands thousands of years before Europeans arrived
Adelaide is losing 75,000 trees a year. Tree-removal laws must be tightened if we want our cities to be liveable and green
Africa dramatically dried out 5,500 years ago – our new study may warn us of future climate tipping points
After 10 years of work, landmark study reveals new ‘tree of life’ for all birds living today
After 25 years, logging and bushfires, a greater glider has been spotted in Deongwar state forest
After 30 years of waiting, Cop28 deal addresses the elephant in the room
After 40 years homeless, Ocean Beach native plant gardener set to move into housing
After a record year of wildfires, will Canada ever be the same again?
After Years in Captivity, These Rescued Harpy Eagles Are Flourishing in the Wild
After years of mass shootings, the US is still trying to understand gun violence. Why?
Aggressive measures in COVID early years credited for saving thousands of lives
AI could predict heart attack risk up to 10 years in the future, finds Oxford study
Air pollution from fossil fuels ‘kills 5 million people a year’
Air pollution levels have improved in Europe over 20 years, say researchers
Almost 2 million Workforce Australia payments have been suspended in the past year, with devastating impact
Alphonse Mucha and Art Nouveau: 100 years after its creation, his work is still a balm for a world in upheaval
Antarctica provides at least $276 billion a year in economic benefits to the world, new research finds
Antarctica’s sea ice hit another low this year – understanding how ocean warming is driving the loss is key
ANU museum to hand back stolen 2,500-year-old vase to Italy
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2023 winners
Australasian bittern returns to Lagoon of Islands for first time in 40 years after damming damage reversed
Australian artists only earn $23,200 a year from their art – and are key financial investors in keeping the industry afloat
Australian EVs could earn $12,000 in a single year with vehicle-to-grid tech
Australian fossil fuel tax could raise $100bn in first year alone, Rod Sims and Ross Garnaut say
The Australian Securities Exchange CHESS blockchain: seven years of sunk cost fallacy
Australian start-up aiming to grow plants on the Moon within four years receives government funding
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef hit by fifth mass bleaching event in eight years
Australia's year ahead in climate and environment — the good, the bad and the controversial
Baby beaver born in London for first time in 400 years
Beaded moccasins confiscated from a Pa. school 100 years ago return to Native tribe
Bewitched' broke ground 55 years ago
Bhutan becomes first country to sterilise all stray dogs after 14-year-long project
Big businesses will this year have to report their environmental impacts – but this alone won’t drive change
Big oil ‘fully owned the villain role’ in 2023, the hottest year ever recorded
Breakthrough Alzheimer’s blood test could detect disease 15 years before symptoms emerge
California passes right-to-repair act guaranteeing seven years of parts for your phone
Cats first finagled their way into human hearts and homes thousands of years ago – here’s how
China Focus: 10-year fishing ban improves biodiversity in Yangtze River
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time
China: Xi’s new year’s address wasn’t a threat against Taiwan – it was a strategic move for legitimacy
Chinese people are living two years longer thanks to ‘war on pollution,’ report says
Chinese woman jailed for reporting on Covid in Wuhan to be freed after four years
Church of England to disinvest from fossil fuels this year
Cities must replace harmful lead pipes within 10 years under new Biden administration plan
‘City killers’ and half-giraffes: how many scary asteroids really go past Earth every year?
City Libraries Eliminated Late Fees Three Years Ago — How Has it Gone?
The climate change we caused is here for at least 50,000 years – and probably far longer
The Climate Change We've Already Created Will Last 50,000 Years, Scientists Warn
Close-up Photographer of the Year: Take a tiny peek at these breathtaking winning images
Code Kept Secret for Years Reveals Its Flaw—a Backdoor
COP28: a year on from climate change funding breakthrough, poor countries eye disappointment at Dubai summit
Could dinosaurs be the reason humans can’t live for 200 years?
Coup in Gabon: Ali Bongo the eighth west African leader to be ousted by military in two years
Couple Plants 2 Million Trees in 20 Years to Turn Destroyed Forest Back Into a Wildlife Haven
COVID infections are causing drops in IQ and years of brain aging, studies suggest
Covid keeps killing more people every month than flu does in a year
Daniel Tommerup died 30 years too early when ‘all the hope in his eyes was gone’
David Shrigley wants your balls: ‘Just one of many stupid artworks I have made over the years’
Debunking junk: 10 years of rethinking rubbish
Decades of less rainfall have cut replenishing of groundwater to 800-year low in WA
The Devolution Of Hydrogen For Energy Over 25 Years Is A Fascinating Tale
‘Dolomite Problem’: 200-year-old geology mystery resolved
The Dominican Republic miracle: a fifth of the country regreened in 10 years
Drug companies pay doctors over A$11 million a year for travel and education. Here’s which specialties received the most
The endangered gibbons who’ve been reunited after 132 years
The Endangered Species Act Has Been a Success for 50 Years. Its Work Is Just Beginning
Every new mom in this U.S. city is now getting cash aid for a year
EXCLUSIVE: 100 years later, long-lost silent film found in Omaha parking lot
Fasting is a key part of Ramadan, but for many Muslims, climate change is making food scarce all year
Fire regimes around Australia shifted abruptly 20 years ago – and falling humidity is why
Fires broke out in a Melbourne landfill site four years ago. Residents are still waiting for them to end
Five years on, Brisbane’s e-scooters and e-bikes are winning over tourists and residents as they open up the city
For years, Japan tried to keep their existence a secret, but the Ainu people refuse to disappear
Four years on: the career costs for scientists battling long COVID
Fresh COVID wave threatens Christmas for third year in a row
Friday essay: 60 years old, the Yirrkala Bark Petitions are one of our founding documents – so why don’t we know more about them?
From a ‘magic mineral’ to the stuff of nightmares: a 6,700-year history of asbestos
From invisible segregation to the visible heart: what 100 years of kitchens can tell us about domestic labour
Gazprom Will Not Recover for At Least 10 Years
George Takei 'Lost Freedom' some 80 years ago – now he's written that story for kids
Germany approves self-ID to make transitioning easier for trans people after year in legal limbo
Germany’s turning point: 2 years into strategic pivot, progress made bodes well for the US, NATO and the world
Giant sea lizards: fossils in Morocco reveal the astounding diversity of marine life 66 million years ago, just before the asteroid hit
Giant tortoises have returned to Madagascar 600 years after they were wiped out
Global heating will pass 1.5C threshold this year, top ex-Nasa scientist says
Global temperature rises in steps – here’s why we can expect a steep climb this year and next
Global Warning: 2023 Will Be The Hottest Year On Record
Golden eagles in Scotland at highest levels in 300 years
Golden mole that swims through sand is rediscovered in South Africa after 86 years
Gone in a puff of smoke: 52,000 sq km of ‘long unburnt’ Australian habitat has vanished in 40 years
Good news for the oceans: Amazon single-use plastic packaging declines by over 11% in one year
Governments spend US$22 billion a year helping the fishing industry empty our oceans. This injustice must end
Great Barrier Reef undergoing mass bleaching event leaving 200-year-old corals devastated
The Great Barrington Declaration and “natural herd immunity” versus public health three years later
Grey-headed flying-fox population is stable – 10 years of monitoring reveals this threatened species is doing well
The Guam Kingfisher Could Soon Return to the Wild After a 30-Year Absence
Halliburton equipment worth $7.1m imported into Russia in past year, customs records show
Happy New Year 2024!
“High rewards, no regrets:” Council gas bans could save new-build home owners $600 a year on energy
HIV breakthrough: drug trial shows injection twice a year is 100% effective against infection
Hobart endures hottest night in 112 years as severe heatwave hits south-eastern Australia
Holiday home tax to triple after three years under deal between Allan government, Greens
Hong Kong: No Accountability 5 Years after Mass Protests
How a 27-year-old busted the myth of Bitcoin’s anonymity
How a Colombian City Cooled Dramatically in Just Three Years
How disappearance became a global weapon of psychological control, 50 years on from Chile’s US-backed coup
How India electrified 45% of its railway network in just five years
Hundreds of cities have achieved zero road deaths in a year. Here’s how they did it
Iceland’s first full-day women’s strike in 48 years aims to close pay gap – as it happened
In 5 years, this Australian astrophysics lab reached 50% women. Here’s how they did it
In a year of global elections, how do we stop the spread of misinformation? ‘Prebunking’ is part of the solution
In Bangladesh, olive ridley turtles break 4-year record with 53% increase in eggs
India looking at record high solar capacity addition at 17 GW this year
India to extend free food grains programme by five years, says Modi
Indigenous community in Ecuador wins legal fight to reclaim ancestral land after more than 80 years
Indigenous fire management began more than 11,000 years ago: new research
Invasive species cost humans $423bn each year and threaten world’s diversity
It’s 4 years since the first COVID case in Australia. Here’s how our pandemic experiences have changed over time
“It’s all about the money:” US town saves $80,000 a year by switching to electric police vehicles
‘It’s soul-destroying’: how people on a housing wait list of 175,000 describe their years of waiting
‘It’s Warlpiri identity’: Indigenous photos, drawings and sacred objects come home after 60 years
I’ve spent 40 years studying Antarctica. The frozen continent has never needed our help more
I’ve studied sand dunes for 40 years – here’s what people find most surprising
The jet set: 200 celebrities’ aircraft have flown for combined total of 11 years since 2022
Kicking gas and electrifying households can slash energy bills by billions a year
Life expectancy goes backwards for the first time in 30 years
The limits of ice: what a 19th century expedition trapped in sea ice for a year tells us about Antarctica’s future
Macquarie Island remains pest free 10 years after eradication program, but new threats loom
Madagascar: giant tortoises have returned 600 years after they were wiped out
Magpies swoop bald men more often, eight-year-old's viral survey finds
Mahsa Amini: a year into the protest movement in Iran, this is what’s changed
Many Canadians have had long COVID for almost 4 years. Researchers say there's hope
Many prisoners go years without touching a smartphone. It means they struggle to navigate life on the outside
Matchcraft pioneer Len Hughes still making mind-blowing models from matchsticks after 60 years
Meet 2 ‘Lost’ Species—A Flightless Bird And Gliding Mammal—Rediscovered 50+ Years Later
Melanoma treatment pioneers joint Australians of the Year
Mexican Wolf Population Grows for Eighth Consecutive Year
Millie Bobby Brown’s debut novel is a bestseller. Does it matter that the 19-year-old actor didn’t write it?
Millions of Australians at risk of being stung by fire ants each year, experts warn
Moody Andean Bear Portrait Wins Nature Photographer of the Year 2023
More evidence that humans were in North America over 20,000 years ago
More than a million gambling ads aired on Australian TV and radio in a year, research finds
More than a third of COVID survivors in Italy had persistent symptoms at 2 years
Move to sustainable food systems could bring $10tn benefits a year, study finds
Myanmar’s misery: 3 years after the military coup, is there any end in sight for a ravaged country?
‘National disgrace’: protest after tree estimated to be hundreds of years old cut down in Tasmania
Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2023
New book details Steve Bannon’s ‘Maga movement’ plan to rule for 100 years
New Research Reveals: The New York Bight Is an Important Year-Round Habitat for Endangered Fin Whales
New study shows mysterious solar particle blasts can devastate the ozone layer, bathing Earth in radiation for years
The Next Six Years Will Make or Break Our Climate Goal of 1.5°C Warming
Niéde Guidon’s 50-year fight to protect Serra da Capivara, the Americas’ largest prehistoric site
No back door for 5 years: remote community’s High Court win is good news for renters everywhere
No more hydrogen trains | Rail company that launched world's first H2 line last year opts for all-electric future
Not your average bank statement: what 10 years of impact investing looks like
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Celebrates 30 Years, as 2023 Marked First Year Without Any Elephant Poaching Detected
On a climate rollercoaster: how Australia’s environment fared in the world’s hottest year
‘Once-in-a-lifetime event’: rare chance to see explosion on dwarf star 3,000 light years away
One Careless Act of War Could Destroy All Satellites in Just 40 Years
One year on from Cyclone Gabrielle, NZ still needs a plan to fix its failing infrastructure
Our mood usually lifts in spring. But after early heatwaves and bushfires, this year may be different
‘Our now-weary bodies have held on’: 109-year-old Tulsa massacre survivors get day in court
Pakistan bucks global trend with 30-year mangrove expansion
Pandemic Roundup: 2023 year in review
Parents may wait up to 40 years to join family in Australia. Is a visa lottery the answer?
Peanuts’ New Franklin Special Fixes 50 Years of Race Controversy
The people paid to spot risks see high chance of ‘global catastrophe’ within 10 years
The people who started again in their 90s: ‘I was in the closet for 95 years. Then that door blew open!’
Poetry, parties and ‘strong Australian tea’. The surprising story of how Anzac Day has been marked in the US for over 100 years
Pollution at Australia’s largest Antarctic research station exceeded guidelines for almost 20 years
Prefabs and the ‘missing middle’: how to get Australia back on track to build 1.2 million homes in the next 5 years
Puerto Rico has been part of the US for 125 years, but its future remains contested
QANTAS pays women 37% less, Telstra and BHP 20%. Fifty years after equal pay laws, we still have a long way to go
Queen Margrethe II is the first Danish monarch to abdicate in 900 years – but it is just a sign of the times
Queensland storm, cyclone recovery to take years, Premier Steven Miles says
Record Mexican Wolf Pup Foster Year
Record year for olive ridley turtles in Bangladesh as conservation work pays off
‘Red alert’: last year was hottest on record by clear margin, says UN report
ReSource RICA tree-planting project turns 'ugly' hill in central Victoria into 'paradise' over 20 years
Returning a 170-year-old preserved lizard to Jamaica is a step toward redressing colonial harms
Rising seas and a great southern star: Aboriginal oral traditions stretch back more than 12,000 years
Ross Garnaut and Rod Sims have proposed a $100 billion-a-year fossil fuel tax – and it’s a debate Australia should embrace
San Diego Closes Popular Beach for Seven Years to Protect Sea Lions
Scientists claim PV systems combined with thermoelectric cooling may achieve 6-year payback time
Scientists Warn The Atmosphere Hasn't Been Like This in 14 Million Years
'She is so old': One-eyed wolf in Yellowstone defies odds by having 10th litter of pups in 11 years
Slovakia plans to be coal-free by 2024, 6 years earlier than originally planned
Smartphones Can Now Last 7 Years. Here’s How to Keep Them Working.
Solar Philippines to break ground on world’s ‘largest’ solar farm this year
Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed
Startup revives 140-year-old tech to generate energy for remote areas: 'Marks the beginning of a renewable transition'
Streamer In Japan Gets 2 Years Jail Time For Uploading Let’s Plays, Anime Spoilers
Study shows ‘catastrophic’ 10-year low for female representation in film
Summer 2023 was northern hemisphere’s hottest for 2,000 years, tree rings show
Swiss glaciers lose 10% of their volume in two years
Ten Inspiring Signs of Progress From the Past Year
This 95-year-old Perth driver wants older motorists to go electric
This small Finnish city will be carbon neutral in just a few years
This Year’s British Wildlife Photography Awards Revels in Oceanic Journeys and Flamboyant Courtships
Threatened species have declined 2% a year since 2000. Nature positive? Far from it.
The Titan Submersible Disaster Was Years in the Making, New Details Reveal
'To-day and To-morrow': The 100-year-old book series that predicted a wild and wonderful future
Tourists flock to the Mediterranean as if the climate crisis isn’t happening. This year’s heat and fire will force change
Trump, Covid, the climate crisis – we’ve had a hard few years. The wounds linger
Turkey earthquakes one year on: the devastation has exposed deep societal scars and women are bearing the brunt
Twins separated and sold illegally at birth reunite years later thanks to TikTok video
Underwater Photographer of the Year 2024: Take a dive into the stunning winning images
‘Unlike anything today’: Gippsland fossil unlocks secrets of kangaroo that died out 46,000 years ago
US buildings kill up to a billion birds a year. These architects want to save them
US ends year on environmental high with increased pollution inspections and protection for forests
US military plans to unleash thousands of autonomous war robots over next two years
We are Experiencing the Longest Heatwave in 75 Years
We once killed 600,000 koalas in a year. Now they’re Australia’s ‘teddy bears’. What changed?
We spent 2 years in deep underground caves to bring this extraordinary fossil to light
West Antarctica’s ice sheet was smaller thousands of years ago – here’s why this matters today
West Aussies should prepare to get COVID three times a year, warns leading expert
The West can’t ‘solve’ its Russia problem. Here’s how it should handle 6 more years of Vladimir Putin
We've Been Misreading a Major Law of Physics For The Past 300 Years
What 2,500 years of wildfire evidence and the extreme fire seasons of 1910 and 2020 tell us about the future of fire in the West
What, a school revamp once every 440 years isn’t enough?
What can we expect from six more years of Vladimir Putin? An increasingly weak and dysfunctional Russia
What happens when you give a low-income family $26,000 in their child’s first year? We think we’ve found out
What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain?
‘What if there was a war?’ Chinese Australians wear the scars after bitter years of hostile rhetoric
What if You Did Not Buy a Single New Thing This Month or Even Year?
What Ireland’s smoking ban 20 years ago can teach us about big changes to human behaviour
What should I give my child’s teacher at the end of the year?
What this year’s El Niño means for wheat and global food supply
What we know about last year’s top 10 wild Australian climatic events – from fire and flood combos to cyclone-driven extreme rain
WHO, UNICEF, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance pass the mid-point of the global 10-year strategy to eliminate yellow fever epidemics
Why 2024 could be a grim year for Ukraine – with momentous implications for the world
Why an intention to conserve an area for only 25 years should not count for Australia’s target of protecting 30% of land
With democracy under threat in Narendra Modi’s India, how free and fair will this year’s election be?
With less than a year to go, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is in a dreadful mess. These 5 steps are needed to fix it
Woman Admits 'Regret' Over Not Buying Puffin Sweater Years Ago. Days Later, It Shows Up at Her Front Door
Wood heater smoke estimated to kill up to 63 in ACT each year, prompting calls for national ban
Woodside LNG: Australia’s ‘biggest’ contribution to climate crisis a step closer to 50-year extension
World’s biggest bat colony gathers in Zambia every year: we used artificial intelligence to count them
The world’s green juggernaut will become unstoppable this year
The Year in Cheer 2023
The year in rainforests: 2023
The year the Australian Dream died
Your heat-trapping dark roof costs almost $700 extra a year in electricity. Why are they still so common?
Zero Jet Aircraft Crashes: 2023 Was One Of Aviation’s Safest Years On Record
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