Glass Wings Blog: Help

1 in 3 people are lonely. Will AI help, or make things worse?
6 books to help talk to your child about climate change
The ’90s Sci-Fi Series That Needs Help Being Saved
A prefab building revolution can help resolve both the climate and housing crises
About 1 in 6 older Australians experiences elder abuse. Here are the reasons they don’t get help
Accelerated evolution and automated aquaculture could help coral weather the heat
Adults Are Losing Their Shit About Teen Mental Health On Social Media, While Desperate Teens Are Using AI For Mental Help
Affordable, Flexible Childcare Helps Indian Mothers Earn More and Worry Less
AI Is Helping Indigenous Teens in Brazil Keep Their Mother Tongue Alive
An App Is Helping Those With Vision Loss Navigate Urban Transit
‘An extraordinary dynamo’: Doris Taylor founded Meals on Wheels and helped elect Don Dunstan
An Iranian Activist Faces the Death Penalty. Can Global Solidarity Help Again?
As Australia’s net zero transition threatens to stall, rooftop solar could help provide the power we need
As Varroa spreads, now is the time to fight for Australia’s honey bees – and you can help
At a time of crisis, reading books can help us make sense of the world
Australia is doubling down on fossil fuel exports, and helping to blow global carbon budgets
Australia must wean itself from monster utes – and the federal government’s weakening of vehicle emissions rules won’t help one bit
Australia urged not to rely on ‘drug dealer’s defence’ for gas exports and help wean Japan off fossil fuels
Australian discovery of change in ‘killer T cells’ could help fight against influenza
Australian Police Go Full FBI, Radicalize Autistic Teen Officers Told Parents They Were Trying To Help
Australia’s first mobile cooling hub is ready for searing heat this summer – and people who are homeless helped design it
Australia’s media classification system is no help to parents and carers. It needs a grounding in evidence
Bangladesh protests are not the first time student uprisings have helped bring about radical change
Banning social media for under-16s won’t help – teaching digital media literacy will
Barkindji custodians near Broken Hill continue to care for ancestral dingo remains with help from archaeologists
Become a beach scientist this summer and help monitor changing coastlines
Bhutanese Community Farm in Victoria helps families build new life in Australia
Big renewables need big support: Local Energy Hubs can help us through the change
Bioprospecting the unknown: how bacterial enzymes encoded by unknown genes might help clean up pollution
‘The Body Shop held our hand’: how the troubled British firm helped a recycling startup in India
Brain Implants That Help Paralyzed People Speak Just Broke New Records
Burned-out parents seek help from a new ally: ChatGPT
California will help return tribal lands as part of the historic Klamath River restoration
Can 3D-printed tiger teeth help save our rarest animals from extinction?
Can AI help boost accessibility? These researchers tested it for themselves
Can drones help save Wales' most threatened bird?
Can the government’s new market mechanism help save nature? Yes – if we get the devil out of the detail
Can the Inner Development Goals help us create a more sustainable future?
Cat and dog influencers help Ukrainians cope with war
The Chilean tree that could help cure malaria (and a host of other diseases)
‘Cli-fi’ might not save the world, but writing it could help with your eco-anxiety
The climate cafe helping eco-anxious Africans find hope amid the heat
Climate-friendly beef? Argentina’s new ‘carbon-neutral’ certification could help reduce livestock emissions – if it’s done right
Community legal centres turn away 1,000 Australians each day despite growing need for help
COP28: How 7 policies could help save a billion lives by 2100
Could Wild Horses Help Fight Wildfires?
Cranberry juice really can help with UTIs – and reduce reliance on antibiotics
David McBride is facing jailtime for helping reveal alleged war crimes. Will it end whistleblowing in Australia?
Dengue: Brazilian single-dose vaccine could help turn tide in the fight against fever
Do you really need antibiotics? Curbing our use helps fight drug-resistant bacteria
Doggy bags packed with seeds to help rewild nature reserve in England
Driving a greener future: how your electric car could help power your neighbourhood
E for equity? E-scooter and e-bike schemes can help people on low incomes and with disabilities
Ecologists roped in to help hazel dormice bridge the gap
Ending native forest logging would help Australia’s climate goals much more than planting trees
Europe’s banks helped fossil fuel firms raise more than €1tn from global bond markets
EV sales boom in Nepal, helping to save on oil imports and alleviate smog
Feeling lonely? Too many of us are. Here’s what our supermarkets can do to help
Figures like Andrew Tate may help spread misogyny. But they’re amplifying – not causing – the problem
Fire-smart farming: how the crops we plant could help reduce the risk of wildfires on agricultural landscapes
Food plays a role in children's mental health — and some schools are stepping in to help those going hungry
Fossil beetles found in a Botswana diamond mine help us to reconstruct the distant past
France implements compulsory composting. Here’s how it will help slash emissions
Friendly Mentors Help Ukrainians Find Their Footing in Vilnius
From running the world's first electric cherry orchard to helping electrify New Zealand
Gene therapy eyedrops restored a boy’s sight. Similar treatments could help millions
Ghosts of species past: shedding new light on the demise of NZ’s moa can help other flightless birds
‘Gold mine’ of century-old wheat varieties could help breeders restore long lost traits
Governments spend US$22 billion a year helping the fishing industry empty our oceans. This injustice must end
Group therapy helps scientists cope with challenging ‘climate emotions’
Growing your own food and foraging can help tackle your ballooning grocery bill. Here’s how
Healthy Country, healthy people: how shared knowledge is helping to restore a World Heritage area
Helping the Pacific financially is a great start – but Australia must act on the root cause of the climate crisis
Honey is said to help with hay fever symptoms – here’s what the research says about this claim
How a Guatemalan river clean-up could help save the oceans
How a plant identification app helped me find happiness and satisfaction
How a teenager helped identify a new species of giant marine reptile
How AI is helping airlines mitigate the climate impact of contrails
How Australia’s huge superannuation funds can do much more to fight climate change, with a little help
How Children’s TV Is Helping Families Grapple With the Climate Crisis
How electricity could help tackle a surprising climate villain
How gene mapping almost all remaining kākāpō will help NZ’s rare night parrot survive
How learning about the science of shyness helped me
How one device could help transform our power grid
How portable X-ray machines are helping remote patients
How reindeer help fight climate change
How the circular economy can help us stay within planetary boundaries
How this Australian-run network of secret schools is helping Afghan girls defy the Taliban
How Unfamiliar Fish Are Helping Mainers Fight Food Insecurity
How Vegemite can help break down your old computers, phones and TV sets
How Video Games Helped Me Accept My Queerness
How Xbox's Video Game, Skate, Helps My Special Needs Son Safely Navigate His Environment
How your money is helping subsidise sexism in academia – and what you can do about it
Hundreds call for help in Victoria and SA amid heavy rain and severe storms
I collect marsupial poo. A crack team of volunteers across Australia helps me out
‘I didn’t feel alone’: how governments can help schools address school refusal
I had no photos of my mother’s pregnancy and migration, so I found a way for AI to help fill in the gaps
‘I want to get bogged at a beach in my wheelchair and know people will help’. Micheline Lee on the way forward for the NDIS
IDA Helps to Weave the Fabric of Global Social Protection
If plants can pick fungi to help fight pests and diseases, it opens a door to greener farming and ecosystem recovery
If We all Made Our Living By Helping People it Would Heal the World
Improving gender equality will help end violence against women, but it’s only part of the puzzle
Indigenous effort in Bangladesh helps reverse endangered fish’s slide to extinction
Indigenous people in the Amazon are helping to build bridges & save primates
Indigenous science can help solve some of the great problems of our time. Here’s how
Interested, curious and empathetic, Michael Parkinson helped bridge the gap between Australia and England
‘Invisible’ consultants help companies write sustainability reports. Here’s why that’s a problem
‘It a punitive f***ing system’: Brooke Oliver spent a majority of her life as a ward of the state, now she helps kids coming out of care
‘It doesn’t matter where you come from’: regional youth orchestras help fight music education inequality
It’s too hard to make business decisions in the face of climate uncertainty – here’s how ‘storylines’ could help
I’ve spent 40 years studying Antarctica. The frozen continent has never needed our help more
Job Sharing Is Helping Parents Keep Their Careers on Track
Kids, courts, canines: can justice facility dogs like Winston help children and the broader court system?
Kids’ sport always cancelled due to rain-soaked grounds? Green infrastructure can help
Koalas suffer in the heat – here’s how to help this summer
Landlords should reveal homes’ energy efficiency to help Australia’s renters cut power bills, advocates say
Left over PV panels and battery storage help solar farm builders dump diesel
Libya floods: why cash is the best way to help get humanitarian aid to people affected by disasters
The little-known political confidant who ‘helped steer’ Australia’s leaders is finally remembered
Madagascar’s ancient baobab forests are being restored by communities – with a little help from AI
Making cities 'spongy' could help fight flooding — by steering the water underground
Many people are feeling ecological grief. How can we help those whose work puts them at risk?
Marrakech artisans – who have helped rebuild the Moroccan city before – are among those hit hard in the earthquake’s devastation
Mary-Louise McLaws, renowned epidemiologist who helped guide Australia through the pandemic, dies aged 70 from brain tumour
Mini rope bridges built in Forest of Dean to help dormice
Morocco quake survivors call for more help after entire villages destroyed
Myrtle rust is lethal to Australian plants. Could citizen scientists help track its spread?
New government grants to help business ditch gas for efficient electric alternatives
New research helps explain why Indian girls appear to be less engaged in politics than Indian boys
New Tree Tech: Cutting-edge drones give reforestation a helping hand
Newsletter: COVID still rages, and the Biden administration isn’t helping
‘Nobody is coming to help us’: Afghan teenage girls on life without school
Not all mental health apps are helpful. Experts explain the risks, and how to choose one wisely
Old matter, new purpose as Australian students help Polestar in quest for net-zero cars
Our ‘frog saunas’ could help save endangered species from the devastating chytrid fungus
The plastics industry says this technology could help banish pollution. It’s ‘an illusion,’ critics say
Reducing nicotine in tobacco would help people quit – without prohibiting cigarettes
Rewilding in Argentina helps giant anteaters return to south Brazil
Sci-fi books are rare in school even though they help kids better understand science
Seychelles: floating baby corals can help save damaged reefs – new study
Sharehousing can be fun, but fraught with risk – and the law offers little protection. These 3 changes could help
Small modular reactors have promise. But we found they’re unlikely to help Australia hit net zero by 2050
The social media star helping people fall in love with libraries
Solar panels above orchards lower temperature, help conserve water
Some people who share fake news on social media actually think they’re helping the world
Spain and Portugal recruit bison and rare horses to help reduce risk of blazes
Stepping stones for wildlife: how linking up isolated habitats can help nature thrive in our cities
The suitcase-sized kit helping to rid the Philippines of one of history’s great killers
Taranaki healthcare staff volunteer to help colleagues with Long Covid
Tasmania’s tall eucalypt forests will be wiped out by heatwaves unless we step in to help them
This alternative to supermarkets can help you save on groceries, but most people don't know it exists
This mum and son set up a vital app to help keep LGBTQ+ people safe in public
This salt alternative could help reduce blood pressure. So why are so few people using it?
Three ways your wardrobe could help you avoid fast fashion
To help us stay in our apartment
Ukraine desperate for help clearing mines, says defence minister
Ukraine is losing the war and the west faces a stark choice: help now or face a resurgent and aggressive Russia
Ukraine Is Riddled With Land Mines. Drones and AI Can Help
Using photos to create 3D models is helping us understand – and protect – complex marine environments
Virtual reality is helping Olkola Traditional Owners get back on Country
Want to help Maui’s animals after the wildfires? Send cash, not kibble
Want to help our precious nocturnal bugs during Matariki’s longer nights? Turn the lights down low
Wasabi could help preserve ancient Egyptian papyrus artefacts
We all know about JobKeeper, which helped Australians keep their jobs in a global crisis. So how about HomeKeeper?
We have a moral responsibility to help low-income nations restore coral reefs
We’re helping farmers access future climate projections as easily as checking the weather
We've barely scratched the surface of how energy efficiency can help the energy transition
What happens when matter is squashed to the brink of collapse? We weighed a neutron star to help NASA find out
What long COVID taught me: How to help a friend with chronic illness
When Climate Disaster Strikes, Slums Are Vulnerable. Better Maps Help
Why are child carers still paid less than retail workers? And how can we help fix it?
Why are we finding so many Australian shipwrecks lately? There’s one research vessel helping uncover the past
Why is Australia helping to block a move to tax multinational corporations properly?
World War II ‘Rumor Clinics’ Helped America Battle Wild Gossip
Yes, beavers can help stop wildfires. And more places in California are embracing them
You could help minimise harm in a public attack. Here’s what it means to be a ‘zero responder’
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