Glass Wings Blog: AI
The ‘dead internet theory’ makes eerie claims about an AI-run web. The truth is more sinister
1 in 3 people are lonely. Will AI help, or make things worse?
2023: The Year Of AI Panic
2023 was the year of generative AI. What can we expect in 2024?
A critique of the 'No AI' Instagram and Artstation copycat child.
A ‘Shocking’ Amount of the Web Is Already AI-Translated Trash, Scientists Determine
A world-first law in Europe is targeting artificial intelligence. Other countries can learn from it
A year of ChatGPT: 5 ways the AI marvel has changed the world
Adults Are Losing Their Shit About Teen Mental Health On Social Media, While Desperate Teens Are Using AI For Mental Help
AI and the Doctor Dolittle challenge
AI and Trust
AI "art" and uncanniness
AI art has no anti-cooption immune system
AI can make up songs now, but who owns the copyright? The answer is complicated
AI can now generate entire songs on demand. What does this mean for music as we know it?
The AI chat app being trialled in NSW schools which makes students work for the answers
AI chatbots are coming to your workplace but are not necessarily coming for your job
AI could predict heart attack risk up to 10 years in the future, finds Oxford study
AI could revolutionise environmental planning – if we don’t get trapped in the ‘iron cage of rationality’
AI datacentres to strain Australia’s energy supply, spike prices without change, expert says
AI design could "bring back the beauty and aesthetics of the classical era" says Tim Fu
AI does stand-up: ‘cruise ship comedy material from the 1950s, but a bit less racist’
AI Doomerism Is Just Marketing
AI from a legal perspective
AI Hype: “Billions of dollars will be incinerated” Business Analysts Warn
The AI industry is on the verge of becoming another boys’ club. We’re all going to lose out if it does
AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?
AI is creating fake legal cases and making its way into real courtrooms, with disastrous results
AI is everywhere – including countless applications you’ve likely never heard of
AI Is Helping Indigenous Teens in Brazil Keep Their Mother Tongue Alive
AI Is Hitting A Hard Ceiling It Can't Pass
AI is making smart devices – watches, speakers, doorbells – easier to hack. Here’s how to stay safe
AI is not a magic wand – it has built-in problems that are difficult to fix and can be dangerous
AI isn't useless. But is it worth it?
AI laser that reads heartbeat through the throat could replace stethoscopes
The AI music company shitting up your streams
AI propaganda campaign in Rwanda has been pushing pro-Kagame messages – a dangerous new trend in Africa
The AI Revolution and the Economy Have Killed My Highly-Skilled Job
AI Safety for Fleshy Humans
AI systems have learned how to deceive humans. What does that mean for our future?
The AI That Stole $25,000,000
AI tools produce dazzling results – but do they really have ‘intelligence’?
AI tutors could be coming to the classroom – but who taught the tutor, and should you trust them?
AI was asked to create images of Black African docs treating white kids. How'd it go?
Air pollution in South Africa: affordable new devices use AI to monitor hotspots in real time
Algorithms are pushing AI-generated falsehoods at an alarming rate. How do we stop this?
An academic publisher has struck an AI data deal with Microsoft – without their authors’ knowledge
An AI-driven influence operation is spreading pro-China propaganda across YouTube
An Iowa school district is using AI to ban books
An Only Slightly Modest Proposal: If AI Companies Want More Content, They Should Fund Reporters, And Lots Of Them
Artificial intelligence is already in our hospitals. 5 questions people want answered
Artificial intelligence is taking the consulting industry by storm – should we be concerned?
Australian academics apologise for false AI-generated allegations against big four consultancy firms
Australian writers have been envisioning AI for a century. Here are 5 stories to read as we grapple with rapid change
Australians say AI shouldn’t produce political news, but it’s OK for sport: new research
Authors Guild, Jealous Of Other Terrible Author Lawsuits Against AI, Decides To Join In The Party
Baltimore Athletic Director Arrested Over AI 'Recording' of School's Principal
Beware businesses claiming to use trailblazing technology. They might just be ‘AI washing’ to snare investors
Bricked into a corner: LEGO® AI art debacle is worse than the Willy Wonka AI disaster
Burned-out parents seek help from a new ally: ChatGPT
Can AI help boost accessibility? These researchers tested it for themselves
Can I take your order – and your data? The hidden reason retailers are replacing staff with AI bots
Canada warns of AI-driven Russian 'bot farm' spreading disinformation online
Catholic AI Priest Stripped Of Priesthood After Some Unfortunate Interactions
CES 2024: AI pillows and toothbrushes - is it all getting a bit silly?
Challenge Accepted: High-speed AI Drone Overtakes World-Champion Drone Racers Young people turning to AI therapist bots
ChatGPT Cheating Fears Seem Overstated
ChatGPT is now better than ever at faking human emotion and behaviour
ChatGPT, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI
ChatGPT predicts tremendous role for ChatGPT in UK government
ChatGPT use shows that the grant-application system is broken
Chinese social media users hilariously mock AI video fails
Clap Or AI Gets It
Climate Change is a Bigger Existential Threat Than AI
Clue in the windscreen may be key in legal challenge to Queensland’s AI traffic fine system
The Coming AI Bust
‘Computer says no’: more employers are using AI to recruit, increasing the risk of discrimination
Cosmos Magazine publishes AI-generated articles, drawing criticism from journalists, co-founders
Could ‘algorithmic destruction’ solve AI’s copyright issues?
The Cult of AI
Data poisoning: how artists are sabotaging AI to take revenge on image generators
The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI.
Deepfake of U.S. Official Appears After Shift on Ukraine Attacks in Russia
Deepfakes of Australian politicians including Penny Wong and Katy Gallagher used in investment scams
Deepfakes will attack our most precious memories. Are we ready?
Democracies face ‘truth decay’ as AI blurs fact and fiction, warns head of Australia’s military
The ‘digital divide’ is already hurting people’s quality of life. Will AI make it better or worse?
Do we need a new law for AI? Sure – but first we could try enforcing the laws we already have
Do you trust AI to write the news? It already is – and not without issues
Dumbing down or wising up: how will generative AI change the way we think?
Effective Altruism’s Bait-and-Switch: From Global Poverty To AI Doomerism
Emory University Suspends Students Over AI Study Tool The School Gave Them $10k To Build And Promoted
Everything Made By an AI Is In the Public Domain
Facebook Is Being Overrun With Stolen, AI-Generated Images That People Think Are Real
FCC bans robocalls using deepfake voice clones − but AI-generated disinformation still looms over elections
Ferrari exec foils deepfake attempt by asking the scammer a question only CEO Benedetto Vigna could answer
Fight Fire With — AI? Artificial Intelligence Tackles Wildfires
Four ways AI is making the power grid faster and more resilient
Freedom of information laws are key to exposing AI wrongdoing. The current system isn’t up to the task
From besting Tetris AI to epic speedruns – inside gaming’s most thrilling feats
From climate change to landfill, AI promises to solve Earth’s big environmental problems – but there’s a hitch
Funky AI-generated spiraling medieval village captivates social media
Generative AI hype is ending – and now the technology might actually become useful
Generative AI in the classroom risks further threatening Indigenous inclusion in schools
G/O Media Gives Another Crash Course On Perils Of Replacing Human Journalists With Half-Baked ‘AI’
Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal: And Generative AI Does The Marketing For Both
Google’s RT-2 AI model brings us one step closer to WALL-E
GraphCast: AI model for faster and more accurate global weather forecasting
The Grimy Residue of the AI Bubble
Hackers red-teaming A.I. are ‘breaking stuff left and right,’ but don’t expect quick fixes from DefCon: ‘There are no good guardrails’
Here lies the internet, murdered by generative AI
Honest Government Ad | AI
How AI is helping airlines mitigate the climate impact of contrails
How Allowing Copyright On AI-Generated Works Could Destroy Creative Industries
How hard is it to cheat in technical interviews with ChatGPT? We ran an experiment.
How Microsoft is making a mess of the news after replacing staff with AI
How scientists are using artificial intelligence
How to Raise Your Artificial Intelligence: A Conversation with Alison Gopnik and Melanie Mitchell
Humans Find AI-Generated Faces More Trustworthy Than the Real Thing
I assure you, an AI didn't write a terrible "George Carlin" routine
I had no photos of my mother’s pregnancy and migration, so I found a way for AI to help fill in the gaps
I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
If Creators Suing AI Companies Over Copyright Win, It Will Further Entrench Big Tech
I’m watching ‘AI upscaled’ Star Trek and it isn’t terrible
Indigenous knowledges informing ‘machine learning’ could prevent stolen art and other culturally unsafe AI practices
Israel accused of using AI to target thousands in Gaza, as killer algorithms outpace international law
Judge Experiments With ChatGPT, And It’s Not As Crazy As It Sounds
Laurie Anderson on making an AI chatbot of Lou Reed: ‘I’m totally, 100%, sadly addicted’
Layoffs and AI sour annual Game Developers Conference: ‘The vibe is rancid’
Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
LLMs can solve any word problem! As long as they can crib the answer
Love it or Leave it? Study Shows How People Perceive AI-created Content
Madagascar’s ancient baobab forests are being restored by communities – with a little help from AI
Meet AdVon, the AI-Powered Content Monster Infecting the Media Industry
Meet the Pranksters Behind Goody-2, the World’s ‘Most Responsible’ AI Chatbot
Most Australians are worried about artificial intelligence, new survey shows. Improved media literacy is vital
Noam Chomsky turns 95: the social justice advocate paved the way for AI. Does it keep him up at night?
The NY Times Lawsuit Against OpenAI Would Open Up The NY Times To All Sorts Of Lawsuits Should It Win
Open source is actually the cradle of artificial intelligence. Here's why
Our Inability To Recognize That Remixing Art Is Transformative Is Now Leading To Today’s AI/Copyright Mess
Pivot to AI: Hallucinations worsen as the money runs out
Pivot to AI: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Power-hungry AI is driving a surge in tech giant carbon emissions. Nobody knows what to do about it
Prompt engineering: is being an AI ‘whisperer’ the job of the future or a short-lived fad?
Proton Mail goes AI, security-focused userbase goes ‘what on earth’
Publishing A Book Means No Longer Having Control Over How Others Feel About It, Or How They’re Inspired By It. And That Includes AI.
The real AI fight
Real criminals, fake victims: how chatbots are being deployed in the global fight against phone scammers
The Real Threat AI Poses to Writers and Artists
Researchers warn we could run out of data to train AI by 2026. What then?
Rice Farming Gets an AI Upgrade
The rise of the ‘machine defendant’ – who’s to blame when an AI makes mistakes?
Rural Kenyans power West’s AI revolution. Now they want more
Scholars: AI isn’t “hallucinating” — it’s bullshitting
Shaping the Future with Sawalni: The Dawn of Moroccan AI
Signapse: Breaking Barriers with our AI Sign Language Translator
Silicon Valley Starts Hiring Poets To Fix Shitty Writing By Undercooked “AI”
Sleeper Agents: Training Deceptive LLMs That Persist Through Safety Training
So, you’ve been scammed by a deepfake. What can you do?
Social robot or digital avatar, users interact with this AI technology as if it’s real
Sorry, No, AI Girlfriends Are Not Destroying The Birthrate Or Killing Medicare & Social Security
Spam, junk … slop? The latest wave of AI behind the ‘zombie internet’
Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers
Stable Video AI Watched 600,000,000 Videos!
Supervised AI isn’t
Survey finds generative AI proving major threat to the work of translators
Taylor Swift deepfakes: new technologies have long been weaponised against women. The solution involves us all
TechScape: How cheap, outsourced labour in Africa is shaping AI English
Ten Ways AI Will Change Democracy
There's an Unsettling Racial Bias in How Well AI Faces Can Fool Us
They Praised AI at SXSW—and the Audience Started Booing
This Fatal Flaw Could Kill The AI Industry
This new data poisoning tool lets artists fight back against generative AI
Turning Trash Into Treasure: How AI Is Revolutionizing Waste Sorting
Ukraine Is Riddled With Land Mines. Drones and AI Can Help
Until now, sellers have used AI to get the best deal for themselves – those tables are about to turn
The US just issued the world’s strongest action yet on regulating AI. Here’s what to expect
Virtual influencers: meet the AI-generated figures posing as your new online friends – as they try to sell you stuff
We used AI and satellite imagery to map ocean activities that take place out of sight, including fishing, shipping and energy development
What Do AI Companies Want With the Media?
What happens when we outsource boring but important work to AI? Research shows we forget how to do it ourselves
What is ‘model collapse’? An expert explains the rumours about an impending AI doom
What kind of bubble is AI?
What makes a good tree? We used AI to ask birds
What OpenAI Really Wants
Who will write the rules for AI? How nations are racing to regulate artificial intelligence
Whose job will AI replace? Here’s why a clerk in Ethiopia has more to fear than one in California
Why an ‘AI health coach’ won’t solve the world’s chronic disease problems
Why Sexual Harassment With AI Deepfakes Is About To Get Much Worse
Why Silicon Valley’s biggest AI developers are hiring poets
Will AI kill our creativity? It could – if we don’t start to value and protect the traits that make us human
World’s biggest bat colony gathers in Zambia every year: we used artificial intelligence to count them
Worried About AI Voice Clone Scams? Create a Family Password
‘You’re Fighting AI With AI’: Bots Are Breaking the Hiring Process
All articles are Copyright © their respective authors.