Glass Wings Blog: New

The 1920s desecration of a Gutenberg Bible shocked the US – but miraculously gave a Jewish family new life in Australia
24 years of life lost: people placed in state care have died earlier, more violent deaths – new study
97% of adult Australians have limited skills to verify information online – new report
A Brave New Generation of Craftspeople in Kashmir
A breakthrough in wildfire detection: How a new constellation of satellites can detect smaller wildfires earlier
A ‘first step’ toward landback: Tribes call for three new monuments in California
A huge shark terrorises people in new French hit Under Paris. When will we stop villainising these animals?
A new ‘AI scientist’ can write science papers without any human input. Here’s why that’s a problem
A new bill is proposing a human right to housing. How would this work?
A new discovery about carbon dioxide is challenging decades-old ventilation doctrine
A new era of lies: Mark Zuckerberg has just ushered in an extinction-level event for truth on social media
A new flow: pioneering UK river restoration declared a success
A new immersive cinema is helping firefighters to better prepare for megafires
A new installation lets you hear extinct and endangered animal sounds, thanks to Björk
A new life for empty offices: Growing kale and cucumbers
A new model accurately predicts the migration of humpback whales – and may help them survive climate change
A New National Park is Born in Colombia
A new project promised low-income families ‘zero net energy homes’ – but they still rely on gas
A new report links being homeless in Australia to dying 40 years early
A new ruling says countries – including NZ – must take action on climate change under the law of the sea
A new school teaches children from low-income families to be journalists
A new solar farm is now shading Denver Botanic’s actual farm in one of the state’s biggest “agrivoltaics” experiments
A new way of tackling homelessness is showing promise. Will it catch on?
A New Way to Make Green Steel
A provocative new book about public health and Covid-19, reviewed by Ashley Bloomfield
A tax on new plastic would slash waste – if built into the global treaty on plastics
‘A world first’: project recycles polyester into yarn for new clothes
A year into Javier Milei’s presidency, Argentina’s poverty hits a new high
Africa dramatically dried out 5,500 years ago – our new study may warn us of future climate tipping points
After 10 years of work, landmark study reveals new ‘tree of life’ for all birds living today
AI overwhelmingly prefers white and male job candidates in new test of resume-screening bias
AI propaganda campaign in Rwanda has been pushing pro-Kagame messages – a dangerous new trend in Africa
Air pollution in South Africa: affordable new devices use AI to monitor hotspots in real time
Airlines may have to disclose carbon impact of individuals’ flights under new UK policy
All aboard the sparkling railway breaking new ground for East Africa
Almost 1 million Australians are LGBTQIA+ – and for the first time, there’s a new national health plan for them
Almost 26,000 hectares of threatened species habitat approved for clearing under Labor in 2024, new report finds
Amazon deforestation cut by 83% in places protected by Indigenous communities – new research
Amazon taps into new Victoria wind farm even as its boss courts favour with Trump
‘America is the mother of terrorism’: why the Houthis’ new slogan is important for understanding the Middle East
Ancient Tracking Skills and New Tech Are Protecting Namibia’s Endangered Pangolins
Antarctica provides at least $276 billion a year in economic benefits to the world, new research finds
Arcade game pinball, an old-school craze, given new life as Gen Z dominates world rankings
Are data breaches the new normal? Should we just assume our data isn’t safe?
Are the climate wars really over, or has a new era of greenwashing just begun?
Around 9,000 species have already gone extinct in Australia and we’ll likely lose another this week – new study
Artificial sweetener could harm your gut and the microbes that live there – new study
As another cyclone heads for Queensland, we must be ready for the new threat: torrential rain and floods
As COVID cases rise again, what do I need to know about the new FLiRT variants?
As the air-raid sirens sound, I am studying Ukrainian culture with new fervour. I’m far from alone
At first glance, Australia’s new treaty with Nauru seems to be a win-win. But questions remain
At Sahara’s edge, old habits protect crops from new climate
Australia urged to ban sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2035 at latest
Australian sport runs financial and legal risks due to climate inaction, new report warns
Australians are installing batteries at a record rate, as rooftop solar heads for major new milestone
Australians are reading less than other countries, a new report shows. Why?
Australians say AI shouldn’t produce political news, but it’s OK for sport: new research
Australia’s nature is in deep crisis. These 3 easy steps would give our new environment laws teeth
Australia’s new consent campaign gets a lot right. But consent education won’t be enough to stop sexual violence
Baobab trees all come from Madagascar – new study reveals that their seeds and seedlings floated to mainland Africa and all the way to Australia
Barnaby Joyce ditched his RM Williams to protest against green energy … Wait until he finds out about his new boots
Battery-electric is now the most popular for new city buses in the EU
Bees count from left to right just like some humans, apes and birds – new research
Before the 1980s, Australian teachers could be banned for being gay. A new report wants to protect them at religious schools too
Being mentally flexible might influence our attitudes to vaccination, a new study shows
Belarusians fleeing repression at home say they face new threats and intimidation abroad
Bhutan expands protected area network with new biological corridor
Bhutanese Community Farm in Victoria helps families build new life in Australia
Big batteries and EVs to the rescue again as faults with new nuclear plant cause chaos on Nordic grids
Billionaires are building bunkers and buying islands. But are they prepping for the apocalypse – or pioneering a new feudalism?
Black hole, neutron star or something new? We discovered an object that defies explanation
Bottlenose dolphins smile at each other when they play – new study reveals how and why
Brazil boosts protection of Amazon mangroves with new reserves in Pará state
Brazil plans new reserves to curb deforestation near contested Amazon roads
Breaking the ‘permanent casual’ oxymoron: will Labor’s new laws make a real difference for workers?
Britain’s tropical rain and parched Amazon are new norms in a messed-up climate
Brussels recommends new EU climate target: a 90% cut of all greenhouse gas emissions by 2040
California to get first new national marine sanctuary in 32 years, banning offshore oil drilling along miles of coast
California’s first new national marine sanctuary in 32 years to ban offshore oil drilling along 100 miles of coastline
Cambodia’s new leader may sound like a reformer in Australia next week, but little has changed back home
Can more ethical histories be written about early colonial expeditions? A new project seeks to do just that
Car companies spending up on ads for SUVs despite Australia’s new fuel efficiency standards
Carbon capture won’t work for iron makers and steel makers, new report says
Cases rise as new booster shot available for next Covid strain
Central Park introduces new pizza box recycling bin to curb rats
Chartbook 284 The beginning of a new era: How the "global" energy transition is happening in China (Carbon Notes 13)
Cheaper housing and better transport? What you need to know about Australia’s new National Urban Policy
Children aren’t reading for pleasure according to new research – here’s how you can help them love books
Children will get sentences ‘more punitive than necessary’ under new crime law, Queensland LNP admits
Chilling reason you may never see the new Trump movie
China will use wind farm cameras to spy on people, cows and crops, say opponents in new conspiracy theory
China’s economy took centre stage in Xi’s new year address, spinning slow growth as a ‘remarkable’ achievement
China’s new Moon mission is about to launch, and it’s a rare example of countries working together
Chocolate brand develops 'revolutionary' new product packaging: 'We are set to change all that'
‘Climate bomb’ warning over $200bn wave of new gas projects
Climate-friendly beef? Argentina’s new ‘carbon-neutral’ certification could help reduce livestock emissions – if it’s done right
Collisions between planes and birds follow seasonal patterns and overlap with breeding and migration – new research
Colorado’s Bold New Approach to Highways — Not Building Them
Completely New to Science: Botanists Stumble Upon Unique Exotic Flower in the Philippines
Composing music with AI isn't new, but recent advances have serious implications for the music industry
The consequences of the government’s new migration legislation could be dire – for individuals and for Australia
COP16 - New Marine Protected Area is a 'victory for Puerto Ricans'
Court Rulings Give States New Power to Protect Groundwater
Covid-19 may lead to longest period of peacetime excess mortality, says new Swiss Re report
Crows Can Actually Count Out Loud, Amazing New Study Shows
‘Dark proteome’ survey reveals thousands of new human genes
The discovery of a new Earth-like planet could shed further light on what makes a planet habitable
Dolphin friendly? New research shows vague environmental labelling is common on NZ seafood products
Donald Trump insists a ‘strongman’ leader will help America. My new book explains why he’s wrong
Dr Yunus seeks nation's support to build new Bangladesh
Drawing lines in the South China Sea: what Beijing’s new claims over a disputed coral reef mean
‘The dream is to reform Bangladesh’: can a new leader steer the country towards democracy?
Durable plastic pollution easily, cleanly degrades with new catalyst
Dutton wants a ‘mature debate’ about nuclear power. By the time we’ve had one, new plants will be too late to replace coal
Déjà vu in New Caledonia: why decades of political failure will make this uprising hard to contain
Ecotourism offers new hopes for Bhutanese youth — and local environments
Egypt-Ethiopia hostilities are playing out in the Horn – the risk of new proxy wars is high
Electric truck market to reach tipping point by 2030, new report finds
Eleven new biosphere reserves added to global list
EU adopts new law banning greenwashing and misleading product information
Europe’s new normal: High energy bills, fading industry and one chance to fix it
EV forecasts slashed as new vehicle standards allow car makers room to push hybrids
Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows
Every new mom in this U.S. city is now getting cash aid for a year
Exceptional new fish fossil sparks rethink of how Earth’s geology drives evolution
Exclusive: Major world economies seek to halt new private sector coal financing
Female elephants rumble to say ‘let’s go!’ New study in Namibia shows males do too, a sign of unexpected social bonds
First new asthma attack treatment in 50 years
Five hotspots where floating plastic litter poses the greatest risk to North Atlantic marine life – new study
Floating solar panels could provide much of Africa’s energy – new research
Food prices will climb everywhere as temperatures rise due to climate change – new research
For the New Year, Try Cultivating Hope
Fossil Fuel Investments Hold Back Portfolios, New Report Finds
Four New Seamounts Discovered in the High Seas
FraudGPT and other malicious AIs are the new frontier of online threats. What can we do?
FreeCAD 1.0: new features and the larger picture
Freight operators will buy new diesel trains if governments don’t back green alternatives, industry says
From jellyfish to basking shark, we’re developing 100 new signs to deepen deaf people’s connection with the ocean
From microbes to mammals: we tracked the rapid rise of new ecosystems as glaciers retreat and ice sheets melt
From net zero to Indigenous knowledge, Australia has finally set new science priorities. How can we meet them?
From Overfished to Sustainable Harvests: Pacific Bluefin Tuna Rebound to New Highs
Frozen in time: old paintings and new photographs reveal some NZ glaciers may soon be extinct
Fuente de Vida: New Conservation Area Protects Freshwater Sources for Bolivia’s Largest City and Expands a Wildlife Corridor
Germany strikes a brave new deal on immigration
Ghosts of species past: shedding new light on the demise of NZ’s moa can help other flightless birds
Gilmour Space's Eris rocket to ignite crowds at Abbot Point's new Bowen Orbital Spaceport launch pad
Global temperatures passed critical 1.5°C milestone for the first time in 2024 – new report
Goodbye Microplastics: New Recyclable Plastic Breaks Down Safely in Seawater
''Grandma's Girlfriends'' opens new chapter in lifeーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
Graphic Truth: World literacy reaches new heights
Green washed: LNG emits 33% more carbon than coal, new report finds
Hadeda ibises’ ‘sixth sense’ works best in wet soil: new research is a wake-up call for survival of wading birds with this superpower
Hand-selected seeds are set to bring riot of colour and life to new road in Cornwall
Happy Earth Day 2024! NASA picks 6 new airborne missions to study our changing planet
Happy New Year 2025!
Healthier, happier, fairer: new research shows major life benefits from decarbonising transport
“High rewards, no regrets:” Council gas bans could save new-build home owners $600 a year on energy
High-flying life of Australia’s birds revealed in new detail – thanks to weather radars
History shows American political violence is nothing new: Thomas Jefferson said ‘the blood of patriots’ is liberty’s ‘natural manure’
HMD Skyline: A New Twist on Repairable Smartphone Design
Hong Kong lawmakers pass new measures to quash dissent
Hong Kong’s Zero-Opposition Legislature Aims To Up Oppression With New ‘National Security’ Law
Hope and disparity: a colorful new way to visualize air quality around the world
Hope springs in old-growth forests with new federal Spotted Owl recovery strategy
The Hot New Luxury Good for the Rich: Air
‘How a healthy community should be’: how music in youth detention can create new futures
How a teenager helped identify a new species of giant marine reptile
How anger at Australia’s rollout of renewables is being hijacked by a new pro-nuclear network
How cities like Portland and Chicago are breathing new life into their urban rivers
How do we halt the next pandemic? Be kind to critters like bats, says a new paper
How feelings of disconnection and lack of control fuel conspiracy beliefs – new research
How international recognition of cultural practices could be a new way to protect refugees
How much microplastic are you drinking? New tool can tell you in minutes
How New Mexico made child care free for most families
How Philadelphia Is Giving Fallen Trees New Life
Huge new no-fishing zones give Antarctic marine predators and their prey a break
Humanity needs more rare earth elements. Extinct volcanoes could be a rich new source
Hundreds of patients died after catching COVID in Victorian hospitals, new data shows
Hurricanes Grow Stronger in New Era of Superstorms
Hybrid cars can be nearly five times dirtier than battery electric cars, new report finds
‘If we burn … then what?’ A new book asks why a decade of mass protest has done so little to change things
In a new manifesto, OpenAI’s Sam Altman envisions an AI utopia – and reveals glaring blind spots
In these new-build homes, no fossil fuels are allowed
Indigenous fire management began more than 11,000 years ago: new research
Indonesia’s new president, Prabowo Subianto, finds democracy ‘very tiring’. Are darker days ahead for the country?
ING Further Cuts Fossil-Fuel Financing in New Climate Pledge
Inquiry raises deep concerns over Labor’s $1.5 billion cash splash for new NT gas hub
Introducing Long COVID Essentials, a new resource series
Iran’s new president rekindles faint hopes of rapprochement with west
Is Donald Trump a fascist? No – he’s a new brand of authoritarian
Is green the new black? New sustainable fashion show to kick off
Is policing in Australia corrupt and abusive? An eye-opening new book investigates
‘It just lifted me’: new research suggests shared reading groups combat loneliness – and the effects can be astounding
“It makes my blood boil:” Bowen fumes as Dutton leads new attack on CSIRO integrity
"It’s Alright" (From the Netflix film "My Little Pony: A New Generation" / Lyric Video)
It’s the S-Curve, stupid: New model predicts half of world’s energy will come from solar by 2035
Jazamiti: Kenya’s Digital Leap Towards 15 Billion New Trees
Jezebel’s new owner has a request for advertisers: Please stop hurting journalism
Jokowi was once seen as Indonesia’s ‘new hope’. Instead, he leaves a legacy of democratic backsliding
Journalists in Indonesia are being killed, threatened and jailed. A new draft law could make things even worse
Keir Starmer to unveil ambitious new UK climate goal at Cop29
King tides cause new levels of devastation in Tuvalu, as nation weighs up Falepili Union treaty
Labor’s dumping of Australia’s new nature laws means the environment is shaping as a key 2025 election issue
Landmark new research shows how global warming is messing with our rainfall
LB.1, or D-FLiRT, is the newest COVID subvariant. What do we know about it? Where has it come from?
Leaded petrol probably affected the mental health of millions of Americans – new study
The lightbulb of the 21st century: The battery revolution illuminates a new era
‘Like a sylvan spa!’ Inside Zurich’s staggering, revolutionary new hospital for kids
Living With The UK’s CHEAPEST New Car
London’s new urban greening structure is a ‘garden for insects and people’
Long COVID cost the Australian economy almost $10 billion in 2022 – new research
Long COVID has cost the Australian economy billions in lost work hours, new research says
Long-Range EVs Now Cost Less Than the Average New Car in the US
Look up! A once-in-a-lifetime explosion is about to create a ‘new’ star in the sky
Looted antiquities are in the spotlight in new digital museum
Low income and frontline workers to access cut price loans in new bid to boost EV sales
Macquarie Island remains pest free 10 years after eradication program, but new threats loom
Make a noise or work with the system? New research reveals 4 ways to create real change for nature
Maria Anna Mozart was a musical prodigy overshadowed by her brother. A new documentary tells her story
Mass animal extinctions: our new tool can show why large mammals – like the topi – are in decline
The megabats of Adelaide: SA adjusts to new and growing colonies of flying foxes
Methane emissions are at new highs. It could put us on a dangerous climate path
Mexico announces 20 new protected areas despite budget cuts
Migrant workers have long been too scared to report employer misconduct. A new visa could change this
Migrating animals face collapsing numbers – major new UN report
Minerals in hot springs performed a key chemical reaction for early life on Earth, new study confirms
MIT researchers’ new rapid liquid printing technique is 10x faster
Modern cars are surveillance devices on wheels with major privacy risks – new report
Months after being diagnosed with COVID-19, one in five people are still suffering from symptoms, new research finds
More efficient cars could almost halve Australians’ yearly petrol costs, new analysis shows
More workers are being forced back to the office – yet a new study shows flexibility is the best way to keep employees
Most Australians are worried about artificial intelligence, new survey shows. Improved media literacy is vital
Most plastics are made from fossil fuels and end up in the ocean, but marine microbes can’t degrade them – new research
‘Moving to the mountaintops’: rising seas displace tens of thousands in Papua New Guinea
Much cagou about something: New Caledonia’s favourite bird thriving after conservation push
Nauru detainee speaks out as new boat arrivals near 100
nbn Fixed Wireless towers boast new bird’s eye views
Need a new outfit? Try the library.
Nepal launches new plan to boost critically endangered Bengal florican
New $150m fund targets net zero “disruption” start-ups across energy, transport, recycling
New 3D cosmic map raises questions over future of universe, scientists say
New ABC show "The Assembly" highlights how neurodivergence can enhance jobs or study
New analysis of asteroid dust reveals evidence of salty water in the early Solar System
New Arroyo Guarichona Protected Area in Beni, Bolivia Conserves Threatened Floodplains
New automaker backed by Volkswagen debuts first EV with novel battery: 'An entirely new battery chemistry'
New bill paves way to get gas out of Victorian homes, just days after cooktop concession
New book details Steve Bannon’s ‘Maga movement’ plan to rule for 100 years
New California law inspired by Ubisoft and Sony requires retailers to warn consumers that the digital games they buy can be taken away at any time
The new car batteries that could power the electric vehicle revolution
New Cochamó Valley nature sanctuary officially declared
New Conservation Area in the Colombian Chocó is a Victory for Afro-Descendant Communities and Biodiversity
New COVID variant ‘taking off like a rocket’
New data explodes myth of crime wave fueled by migrants
New data from 'the last ice area' may help long-term conservation efforts in the Arctic
New data on violence against LGBTQ+ people makes ‘grim reading’ – and undermines NZ’s inclusive reputation
New discoveries: three tiny species added to South Africa’s spectacular marine life
New drone imagery reveals 97% of coral dead at a Lizard Island reef after last summer’s mass bleaching
New ecosystems, unprecedented climates: more Australian species than ever are struggling to survive
New film documents struggle of Wet’suwet’en land defenders
The New Generation of Online Culture Curators
The New Ghibli Park in Japan: Redefining Theme Parks Through Adaptive Reuse and Sustainability
New government grants to help business ditch gas for efficient electric alternatives
New Hampshire’s GOP Is Taking a Stand—Against the Polio Vaccine
New large study indicates vaccines protective against long COVID
New Laser Network Could Make Space-to-Earth Contact 1,000X Faster
New laws to tackle technology-based abuse in NSW are welcome. But police and courts also need to step up
New legislation on corporate emissions reporting has made it through parliament. Will it lead to real action on climate change?
New logging rules in NSW put the greater glider closer to extinction. When will we start protecting these amazing animals?
New Orleans Likes to Drink. They Spotted a Huge Recycling Opportunity
New PCB design is repeatably recyclable — vitrimer PCBs could save millions of tons in eWaste, say UW researchers
New peregrine in town: female falcon becomes latest to nest atop Melbourne skyscraper
New, portable antenna could help restore communication after disasters
New Prada-designed spacesuit is a small step for astronaut style, but could be a giant leap for sustainable fashion
New Project Aims to Protect South America's Chaco-Pantanal Wildlands
The New Propaganda War
New recycling method makes solar cells even more environmentally friendly
New report: COVID more severe, longer-lasting than other respiratory diseases
New research: 77% of LGBTQ young people have faced workplace sexual harassment
New Research Protecting Victorians From Poor Air Quality
New Research Reveals: The New York Bight Is an Important Year-Round Habitat for Endangered Fin Whales
New research reveals why the mighty Darling River is drying up – and it’s not just because we’re taking too much water
New research shows most space rocks crashing into Earth come from a single source
New rock art discoveries in Eastern Sudan tell a tale of ancient cattle, the ‘green Sahara’ and climate catastrophe
New solar farms can benefit nature – here’s how
New South Wales parliament passes bill to strengthen LGBTQ+ rights
New study finds “vast majority” of EV batteries will outlast the vehicle
New study links low incomes, stressed parents and child behaviour – better support would bring lifelong benefits
New Study: No, Social Media Does Not Hurt Offline Friendships For Kids
New study provides the "definitive answer on masks." They work.
New study reveals unexpected benefit of solar farms — here's what it could mean for farmers
New study: Risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease increases by 50-80% in older adults who caught COVID-19
New study shows building code reform is crucial to cutting power bills
New study shows mysterious solar particle blasts can devastate the ozone layer, bathing Earth in radiation for years
New technology can keep whales safe from speeding ships
New theory reveals the shape of a single photon
New virus uncovered in China – is this a sign tick-borne diseases are on the rise?
New ‘wilderness development’ takes shape in the Zulu heartland – Babanango Game Reserve
No ban on gas cooktops yet, but new sweetener urges homes to ditch “last appliance”
No need for countries to issue new oil, gas or coal licences, study finds
Nothing new under the sun: Australia’s long history of missed chances to build sustainable homes
Nyamal Traditional Owners celebrate first new Pilbara conservation estate in more than a decade
Oceana applauds the designation of seven new marine protected areas in Spain
Octopuses and their relatives are a new animal welfare frontier − here’s what scientists know about consciousness in these unique creatures
Old matter, new purpose as Australian students help Polestar in quest for net-zero cars
Oman: New Social Security Law Step in the Right Direction
Only 25% of older Queenslanders are aware of the risks heatwaves put on their health – new study
Only 57 producers are responsible for 80% of all fossil fuel and cement CO₂ emissions since 2016 – new report
Our new study shows teen vaping is linked to childhood trauma. Here’s why it might be harder to quit
Our new vaccine could protect against coronaviruses that haven’t even emerged yet – new study
Oyster ‘blood’ holds promise for combating drug-resistant superbugs: new research
Parents are waiting more than 30 years for an Australian visa. The new home affairs minister needs to act
Patents based on traditional knowledge are often ‘biopiracy’. A new international treaty will finally combat this
Peanuts’ New Franklin Special Fixes 50 Years of Race Controversy
People do care about extinct species, but not for long – new study
Pig-nosed turtle and Pugh’s frog among new species added to Australia’s endangered species list
Plastic pollution hotspots pinpointed in new research – India ranks top due to high levels of uncollected waste
Plot twist: how giving old graveyards new life as parks can improve our cities
Prescription Meal Kits Are a New Tool for Managing Diabetes
The pressing case for a new emergency visa to help people fleeing Gaza and other conflicts
Property developers installing as few as half of promised ecological features – new report
Puerta Amazónica: New Bolivian Protected Area Safeguards Critical Yungas Forests
‘The pāua that clings to the sea’: a new species of abalone found only in waters off a remote NZ island chain
Queensland children as young as 10 face life sentences for murder as tough new laws pass parliament
Relentless warming is driving the water cycle to new extremes, the 2024 global water report shows
Renault aims to set new efficiency record with single seater electric car
Review: The New Essential Guide To Electronics In Shenzhen
Rogue waves in the ocean are much more common than anyone suspected, says new study
Russia Was Running Out of War Veterans, So It Made New Ones
Russia’s Brics summit shows determination for a new world order – but internal rifts will buy the west some time
Santos uses new tactic to fight climate change movement after traditional owners lose court challenge against Barossa gas project
Scientists discover 100 potential new deep-sea species, including mystery creature
Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient
Scientists shocked to discover new species of green anaconda, the world’s biggest snake
Scottish wildcat kitten spotted in new footage near Cairngorms
Sea lions wearing cameras and trackers map new habitats
Secret 'sky island' rainforest saved by new discoveries
Secrets in the canopy: scientists discover 8 striking new bee species in the Pacific
Seychelles: floating baby corals can help save damaged reefs – new study
She’s the New Face of Climate Activism—and She’s Carrying a Pickax
Shingles cases are increasing in New South Wales. Experts say COVID might be why
Shiny New Technology, Same Old Funny Business
Six Months After Being Reintroduced to the Royal National Park, Platypuses Are Loving Their New Home
Six new sites added to UNESCO World Heritage list following IUCN recommendations
Sloths are too slow to adapt to climate change – new study
Smoke pollution from wildfires may be killing an extra 12,000 people a year, new research suggests
Snakebites: we thought we’d created a winning new antivenom but then it flopped. Why that turned out to be a good thing
Soft plastics, glass bins and bans on compostable liners: will Victoria’s new recycling proposal be a step forward?
Solar hits new global peak in northern summer solstice, and Australia still leads per capita
Somerset’s new Roman mosaic painstakingly recreated
South Africa: new Drakensberg nature reserve will protect ancient rock art, wildlife, livelihoods, grasslands and water
South Australia’s enigmatic pink sand was born in ice-covered Antarctic mountains, new research shows
South Australia’s world-leading renewable transition is attracting flood of new industry
South Korea reveals new evidence of ‘violent and systemic’ forced adoption abroad
Spinning its wheels: the new national transport plan steers NZ back to a car-dependent past
Sport produces mountains of high-tech waste. We are finding new ways to recycle it
Sri Lankans throw out old guard in election upset: What nation’s new Marxist-leaning leader means for economy, IMF loans
Startup makes old cargo plane technology new again with cost-cutting approach to shipping: 'The physics are in our favor'
Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals
Still Plenty of Strange New Worlds for Star Trek to Explore | The Agenda
Stoneflies change colour in response to deforestation, suggesting humans can alter evolution – new research
‘Stop all time wasting’: Woolworths workers tracked and timed under new efficiency crackdown
Supercomputers can take months to simulate the climate – but my new algorithm can do it ten times faster
Surge in transphobic speech among politicians sparks concern ahead of EU elections, new report warns
Surge of new US-led oil and gas activity threatens to wreck Paris climate goals
Surging global tourism emissions are driven by just 20 countries – major new study
Sweden launches groundbreaking new childcare law
Swimming mouse among 27 new species discovered in Peru
Sydney’s shiny new Metro service is great – now can we fix the city’s busted bus stops?
Talk isn’t enough: Pacific nations say Australia must end new fossil fuel projects
Taylor Swift deepfakes: new technologies have long been weaponised against women. The solution involves us all
Teens who discovered new way to prove Pythagoras’s theorem uncover even more proofs
“Terracotta” solar: New 400W PV modules blend in with red clay rooftops
Tests confirm avian flu on New Mexico dairy farm; probe finds cats positive
There are new flu vaccines on offer for 2024. Should I get one? What do I need to know?
These new Texas homes come with free backup batteries
This apartment building needed new balcony railings. So the landlord put in solar panels
This bold new space mission will intersect ‘incoming asteroid’ heading towards Earth
This new provincial park is the largest created in B.C. in a decade
Thousands of patients caught COVID in NSW hospitals last year and hundreds died, new data shows
TIA researchers developing new technology called QUOLL that can sniff soil to detect its quality in rapid time
Tim Winton goes cli-fi – his dystopian novel Juice breaks new ground to face the climate emergency
Tonga’s volcanic eruption could cause unusual weather for the rest of the decade, new study shows
“Tough cop on the beat,” or new plod enforcing old “broken laws”? Labor’s EPA gets a grilling
Trial results for new lung cancer drug are ‘off the charts’, say doctors
‘Trump has been explicit about revenge’: Asif Kapadia on his new film about the threat to democracy
Trump’s new ‘Director of National Intelligence’, Tulsi Gabbard, belongs to a secretive cult
Two new malaria vaccines are being rolled out across Africa: how they work and what they promise
Two-thirds of new-build homes don’t have solar: Report calls to plug holes, double rooftop PV capacity
UK maps out pathways to clean grid by 2030: Three-fold increase in wind and solar, and no new nuclear
The UK plans to phase out smoking. What does this new law mean for tobacco control in Australia?
UMaine’s new 3D printer smashes former Guinness World Record to advance the next generation of advanced manufacturing
Unexpected number of whales currently swimming off the coast of New England
US Christian right has taken aim at LGBTIQ+ rights, sex education and abortion in Africa – new book
US hostility towards the ICC is nothing new – it supports the court only when it suits American interests
US researchers identify new sugar-based resin for easily recyclable wind turbine blades
US ‘TikTok refugees’ are fleeing to Chinese app RedNote. It’s a new phase of the digital cold war
USPS’ long-awaited new mail truck makes its debut to rave reviews from carriers
Victoria commits to 600 new battery electric buses by 2035
Volvo CE presents new electric construction machines
Volvo launches new city truck with electric drive only
“We can make lighter batteries:” Australia start-up gets funding for new facility
We discovered two new Australian native mammals – the first of their kind this century
We found three new species of extinct giant kangaroo – and we don’t know why they died out when their cousins survived
We knew offshore detention was bad for the mental health of people seeking asylum. Our new research shows exactly how bad
‘Wear a mask’: NSW Health responds to a rise in cases in light of new subvariant strains
“We’re going to miss the bus” if we wait for nuclear, says new chief scientist
What are 'orphan crops'? And why is there a new campaign to get them adopted?
What if schools could prevent sick days, teacher shortages and lost IQ points? A new COVID safety course lights the way
What is a dark comet? A quick guide to the ‘new’ kids in the Solar System
‘Where’d you find tyres that size?’ Giant red tractor is Australia’s newest Big Thing
Why a new ruling on the law of the sea and climate change matters for Australia and especially our island neighbours
Why is New Caledonia on fire? According to local women, the deadly riots are about more than voting rights
Why North Korea may find the South’s new vision for unification provocative
Why were we evicted? I had to ask the new tenant to find out – and the reason cuts to the heart of the UK’s housing crisis
Wildlife loss is taking ecosystems nearer to collapse – new report
Witness 1.8 billion years of tectonic plates dance across Earth’s surface in a new animation
Wong announces new digital cable centre to limit China’s influence in Indo-Pacific
World Wildlife Fund releases decade-long report on the Congo Basin, sharing discovery of 742 new species
The World’s Doomsday Plant Vault Gets Thousands of New Seeds
Yes, That's a New Electric Car | Olympian Motors
Yes, we can reach net zero by 2050: New report maps path in more detail than ever before
"Zombie" COVID-19 fragments linger for some, causing severe disease outcomes, new research reveals
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